Hell Is For Losers

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---Picture of Nolan^

"Luna. Wake up", was whispered into the witch's head, like a thought. She opened her eyes and sat up. Her eyes saw nothing but the eternal darkness of nothingness. "Lux", chanted Luna. An orb of light formed near her head, but it did not illuminate anything except the rocky ground. A hand shot out and grabbed Luna's ankle. It was grey and thin, with long nails that dug into her. Luna turned around and shot a bolt of lightning at the hand; it evaporated like mist at the touch of magic. Another hand grabbed her left arm and began pulling her back. A second hand grabbed her around the waist and a third one pulled her from her right shoulder. Luna tripped and fell backwards. She looked back and opened her mouth, breathing out a flamethrower of fire. "Luna!" The witch turned around, attempting to find the thing that called her. A hand shot out in front of her, but it looked different from the other hands the were pulling her back; it looked human. Trusting her instincts, since it was the only option left, Luna grabbed the hand with her free right arm and pulled herself up and away from the creatures. As she got closer to the thing that helped her, she realized it was a familiar human. "Nolan? It can't be", Luna said. "I'll explain later, now come with me and run fast", explained Nolan. Luna began running behind him with their hands held together for what seemed like 5 minutes. Finally, she noticed a light, that was small at first, but became bigger as they got closer. The pair ran through the light and was exposed to the outside, an overview of the kingdom of Hell. "Welcome to Hell, leave all your hopes and wishes in the mortal world please", joked Nolan. "I died and went to Hell! I'm a good person, God needs to rethink his decision. I swear, besides witchcraft, I'm an angel", defended Luna. "Luna calm down it's not a big deal. It wasn't Jesus who put you here anyways", explained Nolan. "What do you mean", she asked.

"Usually new souls go to sentencing and from there get the punishments, like the Cave of the Damned. However you were sent directly to punishment. This is very odd. How did you die again?"

"I was on the way to The Order's headquarters for these stupid trials and the driver assassinated me by killing me on the way", Luna looked down trying not to remember her death in visual form, "it was a car crash."

"The Order. This situation has their name written all over. How sure are you that this isn't a trial?" Nolan thought for a while. "I think you have to find a way out of Hell. It sounds like a divinity trial", he said.

"As in summoning demons and angels, type of divinity? I can travel between planes with divinity? Ok let me try something", Luna said.

Her eyes lit white and, with magic, separated the ground she was on from the overlooking cliff. Luna was on floating chunk of rock. The goddess spirit had activated, and luckily Luna could control it because of all the practice early in the summer. Nolan looked in the distance and noticed flying creatures heading towards them. Demons, he thought. "Luna, I don't mean to rush you, but there are demons heading here. Hurry up before they arrive", Nolan screamed. If the demons arrived, Luna would be in trouble. Nolan didn't have magic anymore, he had died and received punishment. He thanked God that the punishment wasn't severe unlike many dark witches. He looked in the distance again, realizing the demons were really close. Luna took a deep breath and lifted her hand. A white orb of crackling energy formed in her hand and then, slowly released itself into the dreadful air of Hell. It reached the other end of the rock and exploded with great power, forming a white portal that glowed like an iPhone on full brightness in the dark. The demons, however, caught up to the humans and began circling around Luna's floating boulder, ignoring Nolan. The witch reached out to both demons with her arms and formed a white shine in her hands. Two explosive pulses, one from each hand, shot out and hit both demons. The creature vaporized in an instance. Luna ran to the portal, but before leaving she turned to Nolan and said, "Come with me." Nolan shook his head, waved good bye, and began making his way off the cliff. Luna's eyes became watery and were visible as the glowing from her eyes stopped. She stepped through the portal, hoping to return to Earth.

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