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---Picture of Kathy^

"This is Commissioner McIntyre, reporting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 about the Fineland investigation. Suspect one, Kathy Lin", spoke the Commissioner into the tape recorder.

"Ok, tell what happened on that night."

"I don't know what night in specific, officer, there are many nights one must live. To be or not to be."

"Kid stop playing around. I'm talking about the night where the Salem police found you crying and huddled into a corner in a school."

"You will always find what you want to see and what you seek is never found."

McIntyre got up and left the interrogation room. "She's batshit crazy, doesn't even know what she's saying", concluded the Commissioner.
Luna grabbed her luggage and began walking down the stairs, making her luggage slam on each step as she walked further. Mr and Mrs. Lumen stood at the door. Mr. Lumen opened the door. "Dad, I don't want to go. I want to be normal and be at Fineland and curse mortals. I'm going to be separated from Ariana and everything is going to suck", said Luna. "Honey, this is a great opportunity. After today everything will change, either you become the leader of The Order or return as a stronger witch", explained Mr. Lumen. "Luna, you are the strongest witch I know, well currently, but I trust that you're gonna make me proud. Now go do your trials", encouraged Mrs. Lumen. Luna walked out and towards the limousine, which she entered.

It had only been 20 minutes since leaving home, yet Luna wanted to jump out of the limousine and run home. However that wouldn't be the smartest thing considering the vehicle was going- 90, 95? Why are we going so fast on the interstate? Luna couldn't help but wonder why the driver was driving so fast. She tapped on the glass that separated the driver and the passenger. It didn't open. Luna focused on the lower part of the black glass, hoping that was where the lock was. Click! The glass unlocked and magically fell down. "Hey, what's the deal? Where are we and why are you going at- 120 miles per hour!" The driver swiftly looked at Luna and upon realizing the witch was aware of the situation he swerved right, slamming into the car and the concrete barrier next to him. The limo crashed into the adjacent car and spun into the barrier. Luna opened her eyes with great effort, but couldn't get up. She felt blood on her head and the smell of gasoline and smoke. Luna took a sharp breathe and died.
Ariana was at the headquarters of The Order and couldn't believe it. The headquarters were huge. A massive skyscraper arose from the central building and was connected to different smaller buildings by long walkways. Ariana didn't even want to enter because just her presence there seemed to stink up the place. She decided to enter the building and was greeted by the woman at the front desk. "Hello, who are you looking for", said the receptionist. "Scout- um, Professor Morgan? I'm not completely sure what her exact title is, sorry", responded Ariana. "Oh yes, you are Ariana. Grandmaster Morgan has commented plenty about you. So much that even the low level sorcerers even know your name. She's in building 2, floor 12. Just follow the arrows." Ariana looked around and said, "Which arrows?" Suddenly orbs of light appeared and began to form an arrow. "Those", answered the receptionist. It's only been 5 minutes since I've got here and it's already better than Fineland.

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