A Greater Threat

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Com. McIntyre was the only available and working officer in the police station. He picked up the plastic cup filled with water and took a sip. He sat back comfortably in his chair and continued his duties on the computer. As a commissioner it wasn't his mess to enter this Kathy Lin, or Fineland, or whatever shit this case could've been called. However he couldn't stay behind with a peak interest in such an odd case. Never in his history of office in Salem did a case provide unexplainable circumstances such as this one. He stopped typing for a moment and rubbed his eyes; computers tired him. A loud clank coming from the cells interrupted the singular silence at the precinct. It was pure human curiosity that made Jeff want to inspect the noise. Being intelligent, Jeff decided to excuse the noise as unimportant. A second clank soon revealed that this was no ordinary sound of customary proportions. McIntyre got up and walked over to the cells. As he got closer to the jail cells the sounds became more frequent and, due to being in a closer ear range, louder. Before making the stupid decision of just barging in, Jeff put his back against the wall and peeped sneakily back. In his new field of vision he saw a man in a black hoodie. Shit, thought the commissioner. He slowly took out his .9mm handgun and raised it slowly as he turned the corner. It had been so long since Jeff had taken his gun out and the fear that he might need to use it made his hands shake. He lifted his hands with firearm included. "Salem police, put your hands up and get down on your knees", shouted McIntyre. "Suck it copper", yelled Kathy through her cell. The hooded figure put his hands up and in a quick, rapid movement, as he was kneeling down; he slid on the floor. The figure wrapped its feet around the commissioner's right leg and twisted and rolled, tripping the commissioner. In between the struggle McIntyre shot a missing bullet at the floor and fell over, slamming into the wall. The hooded figure took the dazed commissioner's gun and shot two shots into Jeff's chest. The hooded figure returned to Kathy's cell and finished lock-picking it. The mission had been a success for the hooded figure. Kathy walked out of the cell and hugged the figure. "Thanks Darren." She pulled of his hood and revealed a teenage boy with green eyes and dirty blond hair. "Come on Kathy, we have witches to hunt down", Darren said. "Alone?! We could not possible kill those abominations without help", Kathy interjected. Darren gave her a cold stare, of which the girl understood perfectly. He had a plan and she needed to be quiet and learn what it was.

The next 2 hours involved driving in a cramped up Toyota Celica. The car had only 2 doors, but 5 seats. Kathy found these cars strange. Cars that had two doors, yet offered five seats. She was snapped back into the normal world by the arrival to path of the interstate. It was large enough for a car to fit. In fact it was perfect, since the Toyota perfectly fit into the space of the path. Night had fallen and the forest was pitch black, to the point that even with lowering her window, Kathy could not see the trees near here. Fifteen minutes later and the car had arrived into a new environment. The forest space had disappeared and now what laid was a meadow, littered by RVs and campfires. Darren parked the car near the shrubbery and got out; Kathy followed. The two made there way towards the campsite. Darren took the lead as he actually knew where he was going. They arrived at a large campfire, which was surrounded by the most well fit people this world had produced. The men had muscles, were skinny, and had an alarmed look on their faces. The women were also thin and fit with muscles that were petite; they had an athletic built. Kathy noticed a man sitting in the centre of the bonfire/campfire. Kathy wasn't even sure what the difference was. He looked at the both of them and got up. He left the once laughing group, which now had become filled with cold and alarmed faces. "Darren, you got any news for me", he said. "This is Kathy Lin. She knows more about Luna and magic than any one here. I think she can help you", responded Darren. The man got up from his seat on the chestnut log, which created a frame around the fire with other logs. "Stay and sit. I'll be back shortly", Darren commanded Kathy. The girl silently obeyed and received disgusted stares from the women of the bonfire. She knew it wasn't because they were judging her, but because of how she was and remained treated like Darren's personal bitch. Kathy sat down where the leader of the bonfire once sat with her legs crossed and her head down.

"Tell me fellow hunter, what's this girl doing here? She has the scent of a witch", said the leader. "Well, David, technically she's a bound witch; her powers are locked. But I wouldn't worry she has no love for witches", responded Darren. David gave him a cold stare, showing disbelief to that statement. However it did make sense to him. If a fellow witch hunter betrayed him, David would have to other alternative than to: 1. Kill the bastard, and, 2. Unleash holy hell on witch hunters. "Alright let's say that I do go along with your plan, what's the end game", inquired David. Darren chuckled and said, "Don't worry I have this shit planned all out, just trust me." With that David and Darren turned around and walked back to the campfire where Kathy was probably getting slaughter with evil stares. They walked slowly and began talking about God knows what and at times staring at the starry night.

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