Chapter-11 Death of an Ax Warrior?!

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Hello my dear friends. Once again I have a short chapter for you to read. 


Chapter 11

As we sat there for what seemed like a lifetime she began to tell me a story of which some of it I already knew of such as her father’s misguided attempt at helping her. What pissed me off was the way that prostitute treated her. He took her home with him and started automatically pawing all over her. When she told him she couldn’t go through with it he became angry and yelled at her for being a tease and that they didn’t pay him enough to put up with her shit. After revealing that little portion of himself to her, he told her the whole story of what he was and how the date came about and that is when she started crying again.

“Am I that hideous that he had to pay someone to go out with me?” she asked. I pulled her to me and hugged her.

“No, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met,” I told her with conviction. She is the most beautiful woman; her skin is like porcelain satin just begging for a man’s touch.

“Why would Dad do this to me?” she asked although I think she meant it more as a question to herself I answered anyway.

“Because he loves you and he is a man and we sometimes do stupid things for the women we love,” I said actually causing her to laugh.

“I guess your right but it is going to take a while before I forgive him for this,” she said sadly. “I don’t know how to thank you for being her for me Alessandro. You are a great friend,” she said kissing my cheek causing my body to instantly heat from her unexpected contact. I cleared my throat and made an excuse to leave the room before I cannot control myself with her and kiss her senseless or she notices how my body is reacting to her innocent kiss, which I am sure would upset her after the night she already had. Leaving her in her room felt wrong and it took everything I had to force one foot in front of the other to continue on to my own room.

Later that same night…

Rhetta POV

Alessandro’s hands were work toughened but they felt soft gliding across my stomach as he lay on top of me. Suddenly, his hands circled my neck as he placed them over my mouth. As I awoke it was into a nightmare. Brian was standing beside the bed with his hand over my mouth and a gun in the other hand. He waved the gun in a nonchalant fashion of a crazy person. His eyes were bugging out of his head. My god he is going to kill me. He motioned the gun for me to get out of bed as his hand stayed clamped down on my mouth. When I stood he leaned over to my ear and whispered, “Don’t make me hurt you honey. We are going to go away on vacation where your father cannot interfere with our lives.” His arm clamped around my waist as he walked me to my bedroom door. In just my thin pajamas I could feel his cold, nasty hands on my skin. It made me beak out in goosebumps.

The paralyzing fear that coursed through me at this moment was unlike I had ever felt before. Not in all the time he abused me have I ever felt this amount of fright. He has nothing to lose at this point and I know he will be even more violent with me. If he manages to get me out the door of this apartment I will die tonight.

Alessandro’s POV

For hours I have fought and forced myself to stay in my bed in order to keep from running to her and begging her to let me have her as my own. Running my hands through my hair I pull at the ends as I groan. Giving up I hop out of bed and start the journey to her apartment at the back of the station. I have to make her mine. She is everything I have ever wanted in a woman. I will find a way to convince her that she will love me like I already love her. If I am being honest with myself she had me the moment I called and found out that she gave me a gay camping pamphlet. It showed that she was witty, beautiful, and then I seen the caring side of her soul when she was dancing with that old man. As I rounded the corner to her apartment that she shared with her dad I heard the door shut softly. What I saw made my temper flare, but my body stopped on its own account of being frozen with fear. That SOB has my woman and he is holding her at gun point. I spun back around the corner before he could see me.

As they walked quietly past where I was hiding I jumped on Brian flinging the gun from his hand. Rhetta screamed as Brian managed to get out of my grip and lunge for the gun. Before I could even see he had the gun pointing at me with Rhetta standing behind him. How in the hell am I going to get to her?

“You should’ve stayed away from my girl,” he said motioning behind him.

Crossing my arms over my chest I asked, “Why is that?”

Brian actually smiled, “Because then I would’ve let you live.” At this point I saw two of the other firemen come out to check what was going on. Knowing he might get a shot off at me but the firemen would save my woman I began to feel more confident.

“Too bad she is my woman now,” I said. He let out some sort of yell and one of the firemen jumped for him as he was pulling the trigger. I heard the bang of the gun about the same time I felt a searing pain in my chest. My body dropped on the impact of the bullet, Rhetta screamed out again and everything went dark.

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