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What I saw earlier at the restaurant was something I was not expecting but it's kind a make me Happy inside too. I couldn't wait anymore to discuss it with Jaehyun so I told him to drive us at his place directly .

Doyoung: '' you can Just drop me at my place .''

Doyoung said looking towards at jaehyun.

Taeyong: '' what ? never , we even didn't have lunch yet. you are going with us.''

and I could see the satisfaction on Jaehyun's face as he also wanted this.

we arrived at the house and directly went towards the kitchen. 

I wanted Doyoung to go out of here for sometime so that I can talk with Jaehyun alone.

Taeyong: '' we'll start cooking , in the mean time Doyoung why don't you go and get Jaemin downstairs . I am sure he is back from the classes he'll be in his room.''

Doyoung: '' uhh me? okay fine.''

as soon Doyoung left I moved closer to Jaehyun where he was standing near the kitchen counter. I kept my voice low so there will be no chances of Doyoung hearing us.

Taeyong: '' so .............. what do you think about what we saw earlier?''

Jaehyun: '' I don't know , whether it is a good thing or not?''

Taeyong: '' what the fuck Jae , of course it is a good thing. why do you think like that?''

Jaehyun: '' it can also be the bad because I think you are forgetting that Doyoung had tried so hard and also left his feelings behind just to get closer to Johnny and keep the relation between them . so we cannot  predict anything by ourselves.'' 

Taeyong: '' so are you even planning to tell him?''

Jaehyun: '' not now at least, he will get to know eventually at the right time.''

I hope this fact doesn't effect Doyoung's life in a bad way that , ................................

Johnny and ten are together.




Doyoung's POV:

I was slightly hesitating to see Jaemin for the first time in the past 4 years, last time at the party he was not present so I couldn't get a chance but now it's the time.

I just hope Jaemin is doing well, he's been always a younger brother to me. so I am afraid if he will accept me now after my mistake in the past. I just wish that he is not hurting because of me.

I reached in front of the room and twist the door knob to get inside. I saw Jaemin, laying on his using phone, still in his uniform.

Doyoung: '' why haven't you changed your clothes yet ?''




Jaemin's POV :

I was on my bed relaxing after the tired day of studying. I was being so lazy that I didn't even took a shower. I got so busy using my phone that I didn't noticed someone entering in my room, Until I heard a voice I still remember and missed all those past years. 

Doyoung: '' why haven't you changed your clothes yet ?''

Jaemin: '' D-Doyoung Hyung?'' 

I said getting up while my eyes still can't believe I am seeing the figure in front of me.

Doyoung: '' hey Jaemin, how have you been, you look more mature now?''

I rolled my eyes to stopped the tears which were building up. It's been years and still he is the same , caring and worrying for other.

Jaemin: '' I knew something was up that's why my brother is acting weird from the past few weeks but I didn't knew the problem was this big.''

Doyoung: ''J-Jaemin- ''

Jaemin: '' why did you come back in our life huh? to break my brother's heart once again?''

Doyoung: '' that's not what it is Jaemin''

Jaemin: '' then what it is , you never explained anything and just left .''

Doyoung: '' I know my mistake Jaemin but I swear I am not here to hurt anyone , not you and not even Jaehyun. Now I also want to make everything right but just don't know what to do. my mind says 'move one' but my heart says 'hold on' .''

Jaemin: '' if it is really like that then you can at least  believe in yourself for like 5 minutes and in those 5 minutes think about my Jaehyun Hyung's feelings for you, I am sure you're problems will be solved.''

Doyoung: '' For now change your clothes and come down to eat.''




Doyonug's POV :

after having that deep conversation with Jaemin I couldn't stay there and see those faces so without anyone knowing I left the house.

It's hurting me but I know that's what I deserve for my mistake and not making right decision at the right time. 

I took a Bus and reached at my house just to get hit by the reality for the hundredth time in my life.

which was none other Johnny.




Jaehyun's POV :

 we were still not done with the cooking when Jaemin entered the kitchen Alone.

Taeyong: '' hey, where is Doyoung?''

Jaemin: '' isn't he here yet? he left my room like 20 minutes ago.''

Jaehyun: '' what? I'll go and check''

I quickly got my car started and made my way to Doyoung's place. I wonder why he left without a reason, this made me worried. I kept on calling him on the phone while driving but he didn't picked up. it's evening now and almost going to be dark in an hour or two.

I arrived at his place and was about to ring the door bell when I heard some noises which made my heart dropped. I could feel the pain and could imagine the scene just by hearing it.

Doyoung: '' P-Please S-Stop ~~''   ........................ '' it's hurting~~~'' 

 Johnny was fucking doyoung and those were the crying noise which made me mad and angry. I gritted my teeth and was about to get the door but Johnny was already out. I got more angry as soon I saw that face.

I saw him walking away so I stopped him.

Jaehyun: '' yahhhh , YOU ASSHOLE ''

Johnny: '' WHAT? don't you know who I am , how dare you talk to me like that?''

Jaehyun: '' I clearly know who you fucking are but listen you mister cheater if you touch Doyoung one more time you will get to know who really I am .''

Johnny: '' huh as if I'll listen to some guy like you.''

I didn't wait there anymore to listen to Johnny's shit and just brag in the house to see doyoung .

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