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Jaehyun's POV :

The words coming out of Taeyong's mouth were so frustrating. it was boiling my blood at the 100 degree Celsius. it was so hard to hear something like that about the person I wished to love for the rest of my life. I tried so hard to be over it but instead I listened to my heart and follow it.

Taeyong: '' HEY , WHERE ARE YOU GOING?''

jaehyun : '' To get my love life back ...''

with saying that I exit my office I knew Taeyong was following me and we entered the hall of company where most of the people sit and work. 

I saw everyone there some were working and some were talking and doyoung was one of them he was talking to Jungwoo and Taeil sitting near their table . I fasten my speed and reached their, which made everyone notice my presence. But I was quick to do my work, I grabbed Doyoung by his arm and lead him towards my office didn't care about the curious stares we Got from the souls sitting there. last but not the least I locked the door.

Doyoung: '' what do you think you are doing huh?''

Jaehyun : '' shouldn't I asked you the same question?''

I said while slowly walking towards him , at first he didn't move but when there was almost no gap between us he stepped back just to get hit by the wall. which I liked actually. 

my both hands were on the wall trapping doyoung's way, which means he can't escape.

Jaehyun : '' we are standing so close , doesn't it effect? ''

Doyoung: '' It's a matter of time and after all these years it doesn't matter to me''

Jaehyun : '' then let me remind you what were you missing in those years. ''

I put my right hand on doyoung's waist and pulled him closer where we could feel each other's breath. and to mention that I could hear his heartbeat which is my favorite sound in this world.

doyoung: '' J-Jaehyun wha........''

Jaehyun : '' ssshhhhh..... I am going to let you know and make you feel that there is something out here called softness and love . ''

it was all whispers until I made my left hand's way at the back of doyoung's neck and pulled him more closer just to attached our lips. Doyoung closed eyes in sacredness and I close my eues eyes just to feel the moment. all those 2 minutes of our kiss I made sure the kiss was gentle as possible and with full of feelings. as it was the propose  of it.

it was the first time I tasted something this sweet. four years ago when we started dating we didn't got a chance to experience this after all our first kiss had to happened like this. doyoung's lips were soft but also kind a brittle as they were bitten so hard before it. 

after a while of us making out Doyoung pulled away and looked at me with tears in his eyes. 

doyoung: '' there was no need for you to do something like that.''

he said while unlocking the door and get out it was all so fast I couldn't understand but suddenly Taeyong entered.


as Taeyong said I ran and followed doyoung and exit the company it was evening and almost about to be dark.

I didn't know what to do it was all so complicated so I just decided to follow him from behind.






doyoung's POV:

while walking on the unknown street , the Tears keep flowing down my eyes.  I am used to getting hurt but it was the pain I can feel this time. all those years I have avoid this feeling , the feeling of love, the feeling of someone holding me close and right now Jaehyun just did what I've been trying to forget.

Just for once right now I want someone to feel what exactly I am feeling now. 

at that point I didn't even knew where I was heading to or what was going on around myself in the area. I just kept walking and walking.

after few minutes when I entered in some dark valley I noticed some voice coming from behind it was very low sound but my curious hit me and I turned around .

doyoung: '' J-JAEHYUN!!!''

Jaehyun : '' doyoung, RUN''

the sight was kind a confuse and scaring too. there was one person standing in front of Jaehyun and pointing a gun towards him. I don't know why but I tried pushing the guy with a mask on his face but Jaehyun get in the way and stood in front of me . to be honest I was scared to death It was my first time seeing the real gun in my life. thank god Jaehyun was standing in front of me but what if he accidently shoot?

Doyoung: '' Jaehyun please move or else he will shoot you''

Jaehyun : '' few hours ago you just said that it doesn't matter to you then why bother saying that, let me just die.''

Doyoung: '' it's really not the time to argue about that.''

then Jaehyun just pushed the guy and snitch the gun from him . couldn't he do it before ? anyways then the guy ran away as there was no use of standing there because now the gun was in Jaehyun's hands. he turned back and look at me.

Jaehyun : '' you okay ?''

Doyoung : '' yeah I am fine, but who was that guy?''

Jaehyun : '' I think you are forgetting that I am the CEO of one of the famous company in korea, what else do you expect?''

Doyoung : '' uggh never mind ''

Jaehyun: '' wait let me drop you to your place ''

Doyoung : '' no need I can go by myself ''

HELLOO friends !!!

how are you all doing?

heheh 🤗

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