-Chapter 16-(Fluff?)

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~Karl POV~

Today we didn't really have much planned. I mean the only thing was that Phil was coming over with Techno, Tommy, Willbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo. We found out that the "bench trio" age regress so we figured we could have a sort of little play date between me and the other three while the mentally older hang out. I was currently setting up the living room with some more little things for all of us to play with. I set up stuffed animals, toy blocks, coloring books and crayons, rattles,(incase one of us slips to babyspace) and a few fuzzy blankets. The entire time I was setting up our play area Sapnap and Quakity were in the kitchen getting some snacks ready for all of us. I don't remember what they said that they were going to make but it was some sort of snack that us littles would enjoy as well as something the others would like. I finished setting up my head being really fuzzy and headed over to Sapnap and Quakity.( quick little thing Karl calls Sapnap Daddy and Quakity Papa and all of this Daddy nickname stuff is ‼️PLATINONIC‼️ unless i state otherwise) 

"Daddy,when com'n over?"I asked Daddy. Papa looked at me and smiled. "Soon little buddy, but first how old do you feel?"He asked. I slowly put up three fingers then two then three again. I was confused i felt like both but also not. Sort of like somewhere in between. "Dunno"I said about to cry. "Hey that's ok baby you don't have to know right now."Daddy said in a calm tone letting me know I was ok.

Sorry this is so short this is honestly just a filler. I have had so much happen with school and stuff as well as being busy but I promise this book is not going anywhere i am still going to update it also if you want to read something with more frequent updates go team my mcyt little space one shot book and comment some suggestions if you have any! Love you guys! (Also the suggestions Are for the little space boom not this!)

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now