-Chapter 13-(fluff)

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-Karl POV-

I was feeling much better today. I wasn't sick anymore but I woke up little. However I usually did stay little the day after being sick anyway. I was fully awake and ready to start the day but both of my spouses were sleeping. I giggled to myself looking over at the sleeping Sapnap and then laid myself down on his chest. He stayed fast asleep not moving at all. I decided to get him up as I wanted him to be up but was also to little to go down the stairs. Today I felt two. That was fine though, I just had to find a way to wake up Sap. I thought to myself for a decoding before deciding to lightly blow in his face. His eyes shut harder. I giggled and blew in his face more. He woke up and I laid back down on his chest giggling. "Honey why did you do that to wake me up?"Sapnap said in a groggy tone. "Bathroom.."I said lowly as I was a bit embarrassed that I needed help off the bed. "Why didn't you jus- oh never mind. How little do you feel today baby?"Sapnap questioned. I blushed at the pet name that for my little self was just a nickname. I help up two fingers. "Ok, can you get off of me so I can carry you to the bathroom?"Sapnap said. I nodded my head and moved off of him. Sapnap slowly got out of bed. He stretched quickly and then picked me up bringing me to the bathroom. "Let me know if you need any help ok bub?"Sapnap had said. I nodded my head in response and went into the bathroom. I reluctantly didn't need any help and when I got out Sapnap brought me back to the bed and asked me to wake up Quakity. I woke him up the same way as Sapnap. We soon all headed downstairs for breakfast. My age had changed to 3 later on as Sapnap was making breakfast.

I was sitting in the living room playing with Quakity when Sapnap called us in for food. He handed me some cut up fruit and served Quakity and himself some oatmeal. Whenever either of them made oatmeal I would always get something different as the texture bothered me.(put that in because why not and also because that is something that happens with me and oatmeal as well as applesauce :p the more you know lmao) "So my Dad's envied us over to hang out today and I said that we would go, are you ok with that Karl"Sapnap had asked me. It was the first time we had been invited to anyone's house other than Dream's when I was little. I nodded my head and we continued to eat. I ended with five pieces left of the fifteen pieces of cut fruit. "Good job honey! You are so well!"Quakity praised making me giggle and flush a light shade of pink. Quakity washed the dishes while me and Sapnap started to get a bag ready for me to bring to the house. We packed an extra pair of clothes, a few different pacifiers, my bunny plush, and a few teething toys that I liked to chew on sometimes.(Little space fact of the day lol some people who age regress also like to use tethers when they are little as they sometimes like to chew on things to distract them and also for the comfort)

Once we finished packing the bag we all got dressed. Quakity pulled out my outfit for me and Sapnap helped me get dressed. After we were all dressed we grabbed one of my sippy cups(bottles if you want) and a coloring book with some colored pencils, and headed out the door with the bag that we packed. Sapnap drove while I sat in the back with Quakity coloring away in the book.

We made it to the house and I had my pacifier in my mouth. I was holding my bunny plush as Sapnap held me and Quakity rang the doorbell. Bad answered the door. "Welcome you three!" Bad greeted. I flinched a little at the loudness of his voice but soon eased back into Sapnaps touch as he carried me into the house. "Want me to put you down hun? I have to grab the bag anyway."Sapnap said. I nodded and as soon as he put me down I ran to Quakity and hugged him from behind. "Hey you."Quakity said as he turned and pat my head. I giggled and Sapnap came back in with the bag.

"What's with the big bag?" Bad asked. Suddenly I got more nervous. 

Sorry that you guys had to wait so fucking long for an update. I needed some mental time off but am much better and not sick anymore. I don't know how consistent my updates will be as I start school on the 9th and have to focus a lot this year and get work in on time. Especially because I have the worlds strictest teacher in Social Studdys 🥲. Anywho holy shit we are on chapter thirteen and have a fuck ton of reads seriously thank you so fucking much all of you are pog shit! Anyway mother fuckers make sure to eat and drink some water. Love you fucks!

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now