-Chapter 8-(fluff/Angst?)

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Ok so quick little author note before I begin this, I was busy yesterday and was out all day and was up till 3 in the morning so that was why there was no update but i am doing this now which by the time i am done it will be like 2-3 hours later but I wont really proof read this that much because i am really tired and could care less about grammar and spelling so yea. Just wanted to hop on here and make a quick little filler chapter for y'all and maybe fill out some draft chapters to post when i know i am going to be busy or just don't feel like writing that much. With that said onto the actual story! Oh and I am going to make Sapnap, Karl and Quakity (As well as other characters) not human so like hybrids. :)

-Karl POV-

Cuss warning lol

I felt awful. I sat back leaning my head against Sapnap's shoulder and cried a bit. With my mindset still being little I was easily triggered and getting sick was just something that both regular me and little me hated. Sapnap rubbed my back trying to calm me. It worked a little bit and I was finally able to answer questions.

"Karl honey, What made you sick? Do you know?"Sapnap asked me. I nodded my head slowly just incase it would make me dizzy. "Sharp pain..in tummy" I said in my little voice. "Ok that's ok" Spanap had said reassuringly. We sat in the bathroom for around ten more minutes just to be sure that I wouldn't get sick again. I didn't so we headed out back to the others.

"Hey Sap, what happened?"Quakity had asked in concern. "I will tell you later but if Karl is still up for it...Dream and George if you two want as well you can stay the night as it is a bit late." Sapnap said. I nodded my head saying that they could stay. We all finished dinner and I had slipped back to my regular self by the time that we decided on watching a movie before we head off to sleep. I went upstairs to the bathroom before the movie to change once more. We had gotten ready in out night clothes and set up fuzzy soft blankets and pillows for us to sit it while we watched the movie. We chose "The Jungle Cruise" and started the movie. My head was feeling a bit fuzzy like I was about to slip the entire night but I was able to hold it off and fall asleep.

(Time skip to the next morning-Still Karl pov)

I woke up the next morning to my relief to be in our bedroom. I got up and quickly headed into the bathroom grabbing some clothes from my closet on my way there. I got changed and ready for the day and slipped back into bed. "Good morning." I heard a groggy voice say. I looked up to see Sapnap sitting up a bit. I looked over to him and smiled. "Morning." I said brightly while cuddling to his chest. I got up allowing Sapnap to get up, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. Once Sapnap was ready we decided to head downstairs, obviously being quiet as we didn't know if Dream or George where up yet. Somewhat to our shock they were up so we said good morning to them and then headed into the kitchen to fix up some breakfast. Dream, George and Quakity had come into the kitchen a bit later after getting ready. Just to their luck Sapnap and I and just finished cooking the breakfast so we went over to the table and served up the food to them all.

We all ate our food and decided that we would again relax today just to be safe with me previously throwing up the night before. Us five headed over to the couch to relax and watch another movie. I felt my head start to hurt a bit but ignored it and continued watching the movie. I felt the same hurting on my head again but continued to ignored it. 'Fuck!' I thought to myself. I quickly shot up and ran to the bathroom covering my head with the hood of my sweater. I slammed the door shut and opened up my phone. "Shit it's been three months.." I said lowly. I heard a knock at the door. I covered my head again with my hood. I felt my back ache a bit signaling that my wings where making their way out. I opened the door and looked to Sapnap. Sapnap was luckily also part demon. "Hey what's going on?" Sapnap asked me in a sort of hushed tone. "i-" It was like I couldn't speak. I didn't really want to either but I did have to say something to him. This was not good. I needed to tell him that I needed Dream and George out of the house. I didn't want them to go as they where my nest friends but I didn't want them to find out I was trans simply because I was dumb and forgot that heat season was coming up for me as it had been three months sense the last heat. I do this a lot though, I always forget and then feel my horns, wings, and tail trying to seep out into the open. This sucked. We went back downstairs after Sapnap not being able to get a word out of me but a simple nod when he asked if I was ok.

We sat back down on the couch. This was humiliating. I wasn't sure fully if George was any sort of hybrid. I knew that Dream was also part demon and has this sort of Blob like form that he can go into when he turns into his demon form rather than a tail, horns, or wings. I just hoped that no one would catch onto my sent as I hoped that my sent wouldn't show until later. Sapnap looked over to me his eyes widened. 'Shit did my sent show through already?!' I questioned in my head. Sapnap leaned over to me and whispered in my ear. "Karl..your tail is showing" I was shocked. I forgot about my dumbass tail. I wined a bit as I started to feel the urge effects of heat. 'Damnit' I thought to myself once again. We went back to watching the movie for a bit trying to ignore what was going on. I whined again this time loud enough for everyone else to hear. I was embarrassed as hell. There was no way I was letting Dream and George stay any longer and I could sense that my sent was soon to come. Dream looked over and smelled the air. "Why do I smell some sort of mating sent?" He asked. 'Fuck I'm screwed' I looked over to Sapnap who also smelt the air a second after and then looked to me. "Karl why didn't you tell me..."Sapnap said quietly. I was so close to braking at that point that I just did. I started sobbing. Everyone had looked over. I didn't want to say anything but I had to now. I tapped Sapnap and nodded telling him that he could tell the two.

Sapnap looked over Dream and George."Karl is trans and he just went into heat you two need to get you thing sand leave." Dream and George just stared in shock.

This took so fucking long to type up almost like 4 hours just for one chapter but don't worry I am going to be working on chapter 9 as soon as I publish this so you guys wont have to wait that long :)

Remember to drink water and grab a snack <3

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now