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Karl was laying in his bed with his two lovely boyfriends, Sapnap, and Quakity. The three were asleep and ever so peaceful. The time had hit around 6am, this was usually the time that Karl would get up and that is exactly what he did.

(quick a/n: This is cringe so far I know it but don't worry it gets better lmao)

~Karl 3rd person POV~
Karl had gotten out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He had made an open schedule for his wake up routine to always wake up and six or seven in the morning. He only did this because his boyfriends didn't yet know that Karl was in fact trans and didn't want them to find out yet. Karl had figured this out at a young age but luckily his family was fully accepting. He knew deep down in him that his boyfriends would be accepting once he did come out but he just wasn't comfortable saying anything yet. Anyway he had carried on with the usual things he did in the morning when he first woke up. He decided to put on his binder, (as he had yet to get to surgery and didn't want it yet) get dressed, and brush his hair and teeth. Once he was done with that he would either go downstairs and make breakfast or he would go back into bed and cuddle with his boyfriends until they woke up. Today he wanted to make them some breakfast so that is exactly what he did. He headed downstairs and started to cook.
————————————————————————~Sapnap 3rd person POV~

The sweet sweet smell of bacon and eggs spread through the house. Sapnap had woken up to this of course. He had gotten out of bed and made sure not to wake his other partner in the process. He headed to the bathroom and did the usual things he did like brush his hair and teeth and anything else he felt he needed to. He later came out and got dressed heading downstairs afterwords to find the person who was cooking what smelled so good.

~Karl 3rd person POV~

Karl felt warm arms wrap around his waist as he was finishing making the eggs. He turned his head a bit to see no one other than Sapnap hugging Karl's waist and resting his head in the crook of Karl's neck. Karl smiled and blushed a bit.

"Good morning to you too Sappy."Karl said with a smile. He was so happy to see his boyfriend even if he did see him every day.

"Morning Love."Sapnap said kissing Karl's neck while Karl was sat turning a bit red from the nickname Sapnap had just given him.

Soon enough Quakity had woken up and come down not bothering to change yet as he was still a bit tired. He kissed Karl's forehand and then walked over to Sapnap and kissed his cheek. The three had then sat down at the table and ate while planning what they would do for the day.

"Why don't we go to that flower field that Bad was telling us about?"Karl had suggested. Bad was one of Sapnaps close friends that he had introduced to Karl and Quakity when the trio had just met. They had all been grate friends from that point on, even helping Bad ask out his crush(now boyfriend) Skeppy.

"Sure sounds fun! We can set up a picnic and hang out for a bit."Quakity had responded. Sapnap shook his head up and down in agreement. So it was settled the three of them would head off to a field of flowers to have a picnic and relax it was one of there best plans yet.

(A/n: I am not sure how many chapters I am going to write for this or even write tonight i just have so many plans :3)

————————————————————————-Around lunch time-

~3rd person POV~

Karl had packed a basket with three sandwiches he pre-made for himself and his boyfriends, he also packed a bit of fresh fruit like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and some watermelon. Meanwhile sapnap was upstairs going through the closet trying to find the picnic blanket he knew they owned. And Quakity was getting a small backpack packed with a couple of things they might have needed. Quakity had packed a couple of things for Karl i case of a panic attack. Even though Karl had been stable for a good month or so he still wanted to pack in so that he could tell comfortable as well as Karl and Sapnap. Once all three of them had gotten what they needed they headed out to the car putting everything into the trunk. Sapnap had decided on driving and Karl wanted the passenger seat which worked out because Quakity wanted to take a quick nap in the time that it took them to get to the field.

It was about a twenty-thirty minute drive to get to the felix and it took them around five minutes to fine a spot and set up. After eating a bit Karl had decided to teach Sapnap and Quakity how to make flower crowns from the flowers in field.

"Sapnap no you have to twist it carefully the stems are extremely soft and breakable."He said giggling watching his partner struggle trying to twist the steam of the flower around the other one nearly snapping it again.

"You do it then if your so good at it."Sapnap retorted as he handed Karl the half made flower crown while earning a laugh from Quakity.

"Oh shut up Q." Sapnap said jokingly as Karl took the crown and Quakity continued to laugh. The trio had soon gotten tired and decided to head home after a long day of running around chasing each other amongst the flowers and just having a lot of fun making the flower crowns and talking. They had decided to stop at a drive through for dinner.( it can be any one you want it to be i don't have ideas lol) After they had finished their food they had headed back to their house heading up to the room.
"Hey Karl you want to take a shower with us?" Sapnap had asked Karl. Sapnap and Quakity would often take showers together and they would ask Karl if he wanted to join but they would always get the same stuttering answer from Karl. They didn't mind though they knew that he needed space and also do things at his own pace even if they had been together for 3 years. (yes three years and Karl isn't out but that's fine it took me a good few years to come out to my family and friends :p anyway back to the story)

"I- I don't think so guys..s-sorry maybe next time.."Karl said. He didn't want to disappoint his partners and felt really bad fo doing this again. He had just honestly broke down in front of them and the two had went down to Karl's side to comfort him.

"Hey hey it's ok we aren't mad we understand that you need to do things at you own pace."Quakity said while rubbing circles into Karl's back to cofort home while he leaned his head onto Sapnap and sobbed.

"Yea Quakity's right, do it when you are ready to plus's the door won't be locked so if you change your mind you can always just join us."Sapnap added as he gently kissed karl's forehead.

"Th-thanks guys."Karl replied calming down and laying on the bed.

Sapnap and Wuakity had left the room to go and take there shower so that Karl could be on his own and take his own shower alone if he wanted. Karl had done just that after a few minutes. He had taken a quick shower making sure to lock the door and bring himself some clothes. Once he was done he changed into some clean boxers, and his favorite big hoodie. He then walked out and hid his binder in his closet so that he could change into it in the morning. Soon after that he was laying in bed when his boyfriends came back with there pj's on ready for bed. The three had cuddled to sleep Sapnap being ne'er the wall,Quakity in the middle, and Karl at the end/other side. The three had fallen asleep a bit after hoping in bed and slept peacefully the whole night.

A/n: And that is all for chapter one let me know what you think and make sure you eat and drink something. :) <3

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now