•Chapter-7• (Fluff)

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-A/n: Today updates on this chapter may be a bit slow but I will try and my updates may not be so consistent as I said I am starting school soon and I have a busy schedule for a bit so there may be days when I don't update but that's all i really have to say. So with that said LETS START THE CHAPTER! lol

(Quick story event it's been about a month since Karl told Sapnap and Quakity about his little space.)
(And tw: Vomit? I think?)
-Sapnap POV-

I woke up at around seven in the morning to see Quakity cuddled to my chest. I looked around to try and fine Karl. I didn't see him anywhere in the room. I looked around a bit more to see his closet door open. 'Ohhh' I thought to myself. I gently got Quakity off of me and headed over to the bathroom. I knocked lightly on the door. "Hey Karl baby are you ok?"I asked him. "I-i'm done did I bleed on anything?"He asked in a somewhat nervous tone. "No you didn't I just figured when I didn't see you in bed and your closet open now that you keep your little space stuff in the living room."I said in a reassuring voice. I walked back to bed and sat down on it. Minutes later Karl came out of the bathroom and sat next to me laying his head on my chest. I put my arm around him to give him more comfort. "Why is it always so embarrassing when you find out..."Karl had said. I just giggled and shrugged.

(I'm so sorry its been like a week- 🥴✋✨)

(Still Sapnap POV)

I carried Karl back to the bed once he was done changing. We sat there in the bed laughing a joking around until Quakity woke up. We had all decided to get up out of bed and head downstairs to make some breakfast and plan what to do for the day. After eating we decided that we wanted to invite over some friends, those friends being Dream and George. The two had been dating for a bit now and we wanted to see if they wanted to hang with us but seeing how somewhat bad Karl's cramps were we just decided to invite them over for lunch and dinner.

(Karl POV)

(ALSO QUICK A/n: I know this is like the third chapter that Karl is on his period but look i wont make anymore of these chapters like this for a good while and by that I will just be focusing more on other topics like Karl's past and his little space and what things are like with his boyfriend's but i will sneak in a little one every here and there just to give the story a bit of a change from the non-existent plotline :P)

As we were discussing Dream and George coming over to our house I started to get a bit nervous as they didn't know yet that I'm trans and I didn't want them to find out in some stupid embarrassing way.(I think we all know where i am headed with this UwU also sorry about all the misspelling and grammar mistakes) I stopped thinking about it for now and decided to actually get ready. I got up from the table telling Quakity and Sapnap that I was going to go and get dressed. I got dressed in a new hoodie a new sweatpants and put on my binder.(Also no Karl does not sleep in his binder that is dangerous please don't bind for more than8-12 hours) I headed back downstairs to Quakity and Sapnap.

"Hey uh Karl?.."Sapnap had asked trying to gain y attention. "hm?" I said in response. "Do you want to hide you little space stuff, it's in the bin over there I just wanted know." Shit that's right they don't knowI age regress either. I shook my head no. I figured they wouldn't question the bin anyway. We had all just sat there on the couch in the living room waiting for the two to come .

~Time skip like 30 minutes later~

I was extremely nervous. Exited, but nervous. It isn't like we haven't spent time together as friends before, it's just with it being the time that it is and me also now being out to my boyfriends and slipping into little space more frequently it's just a bit that I'm worried about right now. The doorbell had rang in just a second bringing me out of my thoughts and to reality. Sapnap had went to go open the door and let Dream and George come in. "Welcome guys!" I heard sSapnap say to them as he let them in.  I saw Quakity look over to the door and wave to the two . They had come over to the living room sitting on the small couch that we had. (I'll show a house set up in the next chapter) Sapnap sat down again on the large couch with me and Quakity. I moved from being on Quakity to then curling myself up next to Sapnap to try and ease the pain of my cramps. "You ok Karl?..You seem a bit...tense?"George had asked. "I-i'm fine.."I said trying not to sound like i was in pain. Sapnap put his hand on my bad and started to rub my back calming me down a bit. We decided to watch a fun movie to pass some time before eating lunch. I was thinking to myself while watching the movie it was a good movie don't get me wrong it's just that my head was filled with thoughts at the moment.

I quickly tapped Sapnap and whispered in his ear telling him that I wanted my pacifier as I felt myself slipping.(By slipping I mean slipping into little space) Sapnap nodded and got up grabbing me one from the kitchen and quickly washing it and then coming back to give it to me. I openly took it not caring anymore about the other two in the room who didn't know. Almost an hour had past and the movie was almost over. I was glad but also by little self just wanted to color and play with stuffed toys at the moment. I had gone a bit without feeling to much pain but then whined a bit when a really sharp pain had hit me right in my lower abdomen. "Sappy..."I whined."It hurts.."George and Dream looked over confused. I didn't pay any attention to the fact that they where starring at me and Sapnap. Quakity was rubbing my back while Sapnap was rubbing my sides. It felt nice to have such comfort at the moment.Quakity got up from the couch and was heading over to the kitchen to make lunch. Dream and George had fallowed him wanting to talk more to Quakity a bit while me and Sapnap stayed on the couch. "Honey does it still hurt?"Sapnap asked me in a calming tone. I nodded my head and whined a bit. The pain was so horrible it was also sickening too. I was in so much pain from the cramps that I almost felt like throwing up. Sapnap took me upstairs to our room and told me to go into the bathroom and change quickly before lunch. Luckily I had one of close girl friends Niki teach my little self how to deal with putting on pads and changing them. So I did exactly that and then came out a few minutes later. I grabbed my bunny plush off the bed and we went back down. I ran over to Quakity giving him a hug. I was still in pain but I wanted a hug from my boyfriend. "Baby J can't hug back right now I'm cooking." Quakity said and obvious smile on his face. "Oki..sowwy"I said in my little voice. I went back to Sapnap carrying the bunny plush and put my pacifier back in my mouth to play around with Sapnap. He took out one of my coloring books for me to draw in while we were waiting for food. Dream had come over to me not as confused anymore. "Hey Karl, whatcha drawing?"He asked. I looked up at him and smiled. I knew that he didn't fully know but i was t in my headspace it was my little self so i showed him the picture that i was coloring. He smiled and ruffled my hair a bit. "By the way don't be nervous I have a cousin who age regresses."He told me in a reassuring tone. I modded my head going back to drawing while dream went back to the kitchen. (20 minute time skip 😝)
later tonight or tomorrow after i finish this one.)
"Karl come here for some food!"I heard Quakity yell. I stood up placing my pacifier and bunny plush down on the coffee table. I headed over to the table and sat down. I felt a sharp pain just as Quakity was handing me my food. I moved my hands to my stomach and leaned my head down on the table whining a bit at the pain. "Karl you ok?"Sapnap asked. "Hurts.."I said. I felt sick after that pain I didn't even want to eat anymore but I knew that they would all get nervous if i didn't eat anything. I poked my head up only moving one arm just so I could get some food into my mouth. Bad idea. As soon as i swallowed it I just felt more sick. I wasn't entirely on the verge of throwing up but I knew that if i ate anymore or felt another cramp that would make me throw up. This was the worst thing to ever- Crap. I felt another sharp pain in my lower stomach. It wasn't that bad but I knew i should say something. I looked over to sapnap. I nudged him a bit and he looked to me."Feel sick..gonna thwow up.."I said. Sapnap immediately got out of his seat and pulled me up to our bathroom. At this point I was crying out of embarrassment but just as I was about to say that I thought i was fine, a horrible sharp pain crushed me making me lean my head over the toilet and throw up. Sapnap held my hair back rubbing circles into my back. I was so embarrassed and just felt awful. I was so tired. I leaned my head over the toilet again throwing up once more. I leaned my head back resting it on Sapnaps shoulder as he gently shushed me and whipped my mouth with a bit of toilet paper. He flushed the toilet and the held me in his arms for a bit. 

(also i don't give a fuck that the stuff with Niki teaching karl's little self how to do things doesn't make sense look this entire thing won't make sense i wrote this at like 2 am ok)

Sorry not sorry but..CLIFFHANGER! Just kidding I will update tomorrow maybe- I have some stuff to do but don't worry i will try my best to update more. :))) Remember to eat and drink water also you are extremely loved 🥰

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now