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-3rd person POV-
Karl had woke up around 4:15 in the morning feeling somewhat off. He usually didn't do this but he was fine with waking up a bit earlier. He had just laid the but the got up after feeling like he needed to use the bathroom as well as cramps but didn't think much to it. He didn't realize that he had woken up Quakity when he was on his way to the bathroom. Karl had gone in and closed the door just about to go when he heard a knock on the door.

"Y-Yes?"Karl asked.

"You ok Karl you usually don't get up this early"Quakity asked somewhat nervous but bringing down Karl's nerves when he heard his voice.

"I-I'm ok thank you Q."Karl had replied as he let out a breath.

"Ok good."Quakity had said just as he walked back to the bed.

Karl flushed the toilet and washed his hand before heading back out. He had gotten back into the bed. The trio had slept for another few hours.


Sapnap and Quakity had woken up at the same time. This time Karl was still sleeping. The two who were up just sat there for a bit before deciding they should get up and make food for Karl. Quakity got out fo bed first but as he pulled up the blanket he didn't expect what he saw, well what they both saw. A gasp had escaped both of the mouths. They saw blood on the sheets and on the back of Karl's hoodie. The two were just as equally confused and worried. They had stated for a few minutes before seeing Karl squirm uncomfortably. Sapnap had then shaken Karl awake.

"H-hmmmm"Karl groaned as Sapnap shook him awake.

"B-baby are you ok your bleeding?..."Quakity had asked stuttering still in shock.

"I-i'm what-?"Karl had said fully wake now. He had looked down and saw the sheets had a somewhat large blood stain. 'Shit' he thought to himself. Karl had started to panic and get overwhelmed. This was not the way he wanted them to figure out. He started shaking on the verge of tears and breathing very fast and heavily. Sapnap had noticed and started to rub his back.

(tw over)

"Honey it's ok calm down and tell us what's wrong-" He got interrupted by Karl jumping out of bed and running straight to the bathroom. Karl's back slid down the door and he started crying. He was so embarrassed. He had started his "time of the month" without being fully prepared. He had cramps a bit when he woke up but he didn't think anything of it. He kept on crying he was just so scared of what they would say. Karl had heard a knock on the door.

"Hey b-baby, may we come in?"It was Sapnap he was asking if they could come in. Karl had taken a deep breath and hesitantly unlocked and opened the door. Quakity burst in and hugged him. Sapnap had just stood in the doorframe. Karl had taken another somewhat shaky breath and backed away from Quakity.

"I d-didn't want to tell you two this way but.."Karl stated stuttering.

"It's ok take your time."Quakity said, Sapnap nodding.

"I-I...I'm trans.."Karl said as he looked down and gulped. Sapnap was the first to react by giving him a hug. Quakity soon after joining as he needed a second to process it. The two had pulled away seconds later to let Karl continue. Karl had opened his mouth to talk but then closed it looking the two in the eyes. Sapnap had nodded his head.

"I- I was born a female but I'm now male..a-and i didn't think that anything was going to happen yet.."The two had just stared at him dumbfounded not knowing what he meant in the second part of his sentence.The two had just tilted there heads and Karl sighed.

"I didn't expect to start my period today..."Karl said.

"Ohhhhhhh" The two others had said in sink.

Karl rolled his eyes jokingly and the two had told him they would leave and give him new clothes and his binder as well as take car of the sheets. Karl had nodded as they walked out. He had sighed a sigh of relief, they had understood and accepted him for being female to male trans. He was kind of happy that they finally new. Quakity had knocked on the unlocked door wanting to k ow if he could enter.

"Y-you can drop the clothes on the floor i. her just...d-don't look please."Karl had said in response to Quakity knocking. Quakity had shut his eyes as he opened the door and dropped the clothes and binder on the floor. He closed the door straight after not wanting Karl to get uncomfortable. Karl had taken off his dirty cloths and thrown away the stained boxers as he grabbed the new pair.He had put on what he needed to put on to insure himself from staining anything else. He had then put on his binder and the sweater and sweatpants that Quakity and Sapnap had gotten him. Karl had the brushed his hair and teeth and opened the bathroom door. He didn't see either of his spouses so he decided to head downstairs. He reached first step and embarrassingly walked down the rest of them and walked into the kitchen where he saw Sapnap and Quakity. Quakity was cooking and Sapnap was on his phone leaning against the counter. Karl had decided to sit down at the island. A few seconds after he sat down he had felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. 'Damnit' He thought to himself. Sapnap had noticed him clenching his lower stomach and headed over to him. He had wrapped his hands around Karl. Karl had eased into the comfort and didn't feel pain for a second. But he then felt the sharp pain again and whined a bit as he went back to clenching his stomach.

"You ok honey?"Sapnap asked. Karl didn't respond, the pain had just gotten worse. He whined in pain again.

"Do you feel like you need to throw up? I can't help unless you talk."Sapnap had said. He had then earned the attention of a now worried Quakity.

"I- i'm fine..ngh-..J-just some cramps."He said in between pain trying to form a smile. Sapnap picked him up and brought him to the couch in the living room and let Karl curl up on Sapnap to ease the pain as best as he could. Karl was happy, he felt safe and comforted. He had soon fallen asleep on Sapnap.

a/n:  Remember to eat and drink something like water :) <3

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now