epilogue ii

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It wasn't a secret that every single day in the Weasley-Archambeau household, was the definition of chaos itself, but after years of it, Fred, Madeleine and their kids were used it and became accustomed to love the noise and mayhem. After all, Fred had been used to it since he was born though Maddie was the one who had to adap to her new reality, she wouldn't have it any other way. Either if the kids were playing inside or outside, or if they were fighting with one another which was also very common, the only time of the day that the large house was quiet was when they were all asleep. During the summer holidays of 2009, the blonde was busier than ever since she was working to open a new branch of the café en Place Cachée, which was the Parisian version of Diagon Alley.

Due to this, she had to apparate back and forth from Paris to London almost everyday along with sleepless nights because of paperwork, but thankfully, Fred was as supportive as he had always been and took the majority of the kids' load by himself to help her out. Some days, he took the kids to the shop with him and let the older ones stay in the flat above the shop, that had been emptied out when Lizzie and George moved into a townhouse when their family expanded. On busier days, he took them to the Burrow or to Cressida's house if she had the day off from the Ministry. What he did most days and when he did have the chance, was stay at home with them and work from his study by doing paperwork, drafting and creating new products and having phone meetings with George and investors.

Madeleine got home from Paris, way earlier than she had intially expected during the kids' holidays from school and what she found on the couch playing with the girls truly confused her, but there was only one person who would have answers to it. "Fred?"

"Yes angel?" he looked up from the document he was reading and smiled when he saw his wife leaning against the doorframe.

"Why is there a dog on my couch?" she raised her brows at him.

"That is Daisy and she's the family dog now," he said nonchalantly.

"Did you buy a dog out of impulse?" she crossed her arms.

"No, not really," he shook his head. "I picked the girls from ballet class and we passed by the Menagerie and they asked me if we could get it so I said yes."

"But we already have Duchess Fred," Maddie groaned. "I love dogs and all but they're too high maintenance-"

"But cats are different than dogs and the girls wanted a dog," he shrugged.

"Fred, dogs shit everywhere," Maddie rolled her eyes at him.

"And so do kids but we still have them," he joked.

"Did you just seriously compare my children to shitting dogs?" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Our children, and yeah," he grinned.

"If Daisy shits, you're cleaning it then," she sent him a cocky smile and went into the living room where the girls were calling for her.

"Mummy come meet her!" Rory yelled from the couch.

"Hello, puppy," Maddie patted the and sat on the couch, the girls immediately throwing themselves at her to cuddle their mum.

"Her full name is Princess Daisy Weasley-Archambeau," Cassie beamed.

"That's a very pretty name petal," Maddie chuckled and placed a kiss on the top of each of her daughters' heads. "Have your brothers seen her?"

"Kiss for Daisy mumma!" Ellie squealed and placed the small puppy on her mum's lap.

"They're playing in the tree house so no, but she's ours anyway," Rory smirked.

"Can they get their own doggy mummy, I don't want to share Daisy," Cassie whined.

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