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I drove my Charger down the road, i hear my phone ring again it was most likely Dom, Mia, Letty, Vince, Leon or Jesse I didnt tell anyone i was leaving not even my family.

I look over to see a sign saying 'Welcome to Charming' I sigh and decide to pull over and stay here, i pull into a gas station to see 2 Harleys outside great bikers just what I need.

I walk in to see a guy with blonde hair at the till, i walk over to the fridge and grab a pepsi and Dr. Pepper and walk over to the till blonde haired guy stil there "uhm excuse me" I say catching his attention his eyes rake over my small body and licks his lip, i scoff and place my drinks on the counter and grab my wallet and pay and leave.

"Aye you forgot your sunglasses" i see the blonde haired guy running over to me with my sunglasses

"Ohh thanks" i say grabbing my glasses from him "your welcome" he says placing his hands in his pocket

"My name Jax" he says extending his hand "Brianna but you can call me Bri" i say shaking his hands and pushing my long Black hair back

"YO JAX WE GOTTA GO, GET HER NUMBER AND LETS GO ALREADY" I hear a voice yell i look behind Jax to see a tall guy with a medium length beard "sorry about Opie, but what about that number" Jax says smirking

"Sure" i say laughing and grabbing a pen

"This your car?" Jax asks looking behind me "yup it was my dads" I say getting upset a little talking about my dad

"I'll call you later" he says "ya ok" I say getting in the charger and finding the nearest hotel


I pull into the lot "who was the girl Jax?" Opie ask smirking, i laugh rubbing the back of my neck "her name was Bri" i say as we walk into the club house

"Hi baby" i hear my mom say

"Hiya Ma" i say kissing her cheek

"Have you seen Abel today?" I ask her before heading into the chapel "ya he sure is a fighter he's getting stronger" she says smiling

"That's my boy well have to go see you later ma" i say walking into the room.


I pull into the nearest hotel and check in and decide to call Mia or Letty to tell 'em I'm ok

I decide to call Letty, it rings a few times

"Hello" i hear her voice causing me to smile

"Hi Letty" i say

"Bri thank god you're ok Doms worried sick about you" she says

"I'm fine but dont tell Dom where i am and dont trace my call Letty" i say...


I hear my phone ring and pick it up

"Hello" i say opening the car i was working on

"Hi Letty" i hear a familiar voice Bri

"Bri thank god you're ok Doms worried sick about you" i say placing my phone between my shoulder and ear

"im fine dont tell Dom where i am and dont trace my call Letty" she says causing me to laugh we talk for a couple more minutes before she hangs up atleast i could tell Dom and Mia she was ok at dinner


I sit at the table to see Dom and Mia every now and then glancing at Bri's chair

Life in The Fastlane(Fast and Furious/Sons Of Anarchy)[Re-editing]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat