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Note: people out there reading this book, let me clear u all there i am not NORMALISING MARTIAL RAPE! NEITHER ANY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP.

i know there is no point to clear this out, but still.

What Fahad did with Haya, will surely get punished but it takes time karma to serve.
Have patience, he will be soon punished not in this book, but in the second book , Rooh E rauhah for sure.

Thank you.

Happy Readings

And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent" [Quran 65:3]

This verse serves as a source of hope for those who feel alone in this world; by remembering that Allah is and will be always enough for us all, we can take hope in the fact that we will never in fact be alone in this world. Knowing that Allah is there for us all can serve as an important reminder that all we ever need is faith in Allah and knowledge of the Holy Quran.

Everyone was shocked beyond to see Shabbo phuppo!

Faiz and Irfan's eyes widened with horror.
Girls too leaned on their mother's shoulder, due to this sadma!

Both Tayiammi and chachi looked at their husband with puppy eyes and gave look like "ye kya behuda mazak h, inko bhi ana tha hamri khushiyo me tang adane!"
Both taya abbu and chachu gave look like
"Haa toh , we didn't invited her!"

Phupho gave a evily smile,
"Heheh, wanna make me stand her on the gate whole night khotiyaa" she said pushing boys aside.

And sat on sofa, everyone looked at each other and came and settled on sofa.

Zaan, Jannat,Huda and Faiz sat on the sofa.

Phuphi on their right side, Chachu and chachi and Irfan on their left side

And tayiammi and Taya abbu on their front sofa.

Everyone's sleep was vanished due to this pandemic.

Youngsters were staring at her with anger, as they never had good memories with their beloved phuphi.
While elders were looking at each other, with horror as they knew that their children and phuphi's chemistry is not good and they will have to suffer their bickering!

While phuphi was enjoying their uneasiness!

"What is this Jabin, won't even you ask me for water, tea or coffe?" Said phuphi to Chachi.

Chachi got and said " baji, you just wait 5 mins i will make good snacks for you" and rushed to kitchen.
Tayi ammi to rushed behind her saying that she might need help.

Phuphi turned to her cousin brothers.

Taya abbu and chachu stiffened!
"So how is business ?" She asked pushing a paan in her mouth.

"Allhmdullillah, good ....good its going good" said taya abbu.
"Bhai, i have some unread files" said chachu getting up.

"I will to help you" said taya abbu rushing behind him.

Zaan and Jannat were sitting close, his legs were touching hers. This was noticed by phuphiiiiiiiiiiii.

"Zaan, bete how are you?" She asked.
"I was good until you arrived!" He said in a taunting way. Jannat laughed at his words.

Huda hided her face to control her laughter. Faiz turned his face towards other side.

"Badle nhi ho tum and Jannat stay little far from Zaan, don't lean on him, behave like a decent girl" she said narrowly her eyes.

𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒉- 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒍𝒕𝒂𝒂𝒇  Part 4.1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now