Mission KaiRa

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Heyyyy Peeps!

This chapter is in Naksh's POV and I know you all want Kaira scenes, I promise you will find them in the next chapter. 

I feel that I've been stretching this story for too long. So I will complete it ASAP.

I love you guys a lot!

I hope you guys will keep supporting this story.

Thank you for such an amazing response! Keep pouring in love the same way!


Happyyyy Reading!

Naksh's POV 

It's been a hell of a day! 

Keerthi and I  arrived at Hyd in the morning itself and it has been crazy since then. 

Going to the hospital at 1 in the night 

I am currently lying on my bed and Keerthi is hugging me and sleeping. 

Usually, I  sleep when I cuddle with Keerthi, but now my sleep is miles away. 

What I heard in the hospital and what Naira told me, I was freaking shocked and confused. 

But one thing is clear that Varun is behind both the incidents. 

One question that was troubling me a lot. It is about Vedika. 

Why was Vedika speaking about Varun and the accident with someone on the phone? 

As far as I remember she also said that she will get arrested if he is caught by the police. 

How is she related to the accident? 

Did she plan it? 

Why the hell would she want to kill her fiancee? 

Wait... That accident was planned for Naira and Kartik saved her from this. 

Oh, fuck this means that Vedika could have planned the attack on Naira. 

But why did she do so and why was Varun involved in it? 

But the main question is why did she want to kill Naira? 

Ughhh! I got down the bed slowly without disturbing Keerthi who was sleeping with a cute pout on her face. 

I took my phone and called Rishi. 

I know he will get irritated by me calling at this time again but I have to. 

He didn't answer the call, so I left him a message to meet me at Mamas Cafe an hour before the decided time. 

I went back and tried to sleep. 


I was woken up by Keerthi at 6 30 in the morning. 

She wanted to have pancakes. Did I mention that she lovesssss pancakes made by me? She is a die-hard for my pancakes. 

I happily woke up and made pancakes for her. She ate them with maple syrup and banana toppings. 

I was busy adoring my beautiful wife who was busy enjoying her pancakes.  She caressed her 5 months baby bump. 

"Kal rath Kaha gaye the?"

I gave out a nervous laugh " Uhh woh mein Naira ke sath hospital Gaya tha!"

"What? Hospital?? Kyun? Naira theak tho hai na? Kya Hua ussey? Why didn't to wake me up? You idiot. You a just a piece of shi....."

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