Chapter 32

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📍 Riga, Latvia | May 2024

"Were you ever offered it?" Zemo asked from the couch with a towel over his head.

"What?" Sam replied while typing.

"The serum."

"No," Sam answered.

"If you had been, hypothetically, that is, would you have taken it?"


"No hesitation. That's impressive," Zemo commented before grunting and taking off the towel. "Sam, you can't hold out hope for Karli. No matter what you saw in her, she's gone. And we cannot allow that she and her acolytes become yet another faction of gods amongst real people. Super Soldiers cannot be allowed to exist."

"Isn't that how gods talk?" Sam teased. "And if that's how you feel, what about Bucky and Saf? Blood isn't always the solution."

The door opened and closed as Bucky entered removing his Jacket, "Something's not right about Walker."

"You don't say," Sam said.

Bucky walked over to Sapphire, who was leaning on the counter, "Let me see."

"It's fine," Sapphire sighed. "My body heals itself, remember?"

Bucky clicked his tongue, grasping her jaw and turning it to the side while touching the cut with his flesh hand.

"Не трогай это, (Russian: Don't touch it)" Sapphire hissed.

"Что ж, прошло 20 минут. Это еще не лечит, (Russian: Well, it's been 20 minutes. It's not healing yet)" Bucky mentioned, pissed.

Zemo paid no mind to their bickering while Sam sat there confused about their aggressive tone and thick Russian accents. 

"Это намного глубже, чем кажется. Дай еще несколько, (Russian: It's a lot deeper than it looks. Give it a few more)" Sapphire told him as he still gripped her jaw.

"И James, перестань прикасаться к нему! (Russian: And James, stop touching it!)" She exclaimed, pulling away. "Shit," she grunted, holding her side.

"У тебя там тоже есть, отлично! (Russian: You have one there too, great!)" Bucky told her sardonically, still annoyed.

"Fuck off. I fought four super-soldiers, alright?" She scowled at him. "A little birdie told me that you got your ass kicked by Karli."

Bucky glared at Sam, who smirked. 

"Sometimes I forgot you're not American," Sam said to Sapphire who just shrugged. 

"Oh, and yeah, John is crazy," she agreed with Bucky, who is now pouring a drink for himself.

"Again, you don't say," Sam told her.

"Well, I know a crazy when I see one," Bucky said. "Because I am crazy."

"Can't argue with that," Sam replied.

"Shouldn't have given him the shield," Bucky uttered after drinking.

"I didn't give him the shield," Sam defended.

"Well, Steve definitely didn't," Sapphire shrugged her ribs, and her face completely healed now.

"All right. That's it. Let's go," Walker and Lemar busted their door open. "I'm now ordering you to turn him over."

"Keep me away from him. I might hurt him," Sapphire whispered to Bucky's ear beside him.

"I have no problem with that," Bucky turned to her and smirked. He gazed down on her lips which were centimeters apart from his, "With you hurting him."

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