Chapter 22

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📍 Berlin, Germany | May 2024

"So we bet on someone who's got a better hand," Sam said, still in the middle of Bucky and Sapphire as the three of them walk into the prison where Zemo is detained.

"He's just through that corridor," Sapphire pointed.

"All right. Give us a sec."

"I'm gonna go in alone," Bucky told them.

Sam shook his head, "No. You're taking her with you." He pushed Sapphire to Bucky, which made her stumble on her feet, and laid her hands on Bucky's chest for support.

"Could you be careful," Bucky hissed at him while putting his hands on her arms to stabilized her.

Sapphire and Bucky both glared at Sam, who raised his arms in surrender, "And why can't I come?"

"'Cause, you're an Avenger. You know how he feels about that," Bucky replied as Sapphire pulled away.

"Look, it's not like you two were known for frolickin' in the sun together," Sam said.

"He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it," Bucky told him as Sapphire and Bucky were assisted to Zemo.

The door buzzes before the guard spoke in German and left them alone with him.

"Желание, Ржавый, Семнадцать," Zemo spoke, stepping out of the light.

Hearing those words made Sapphire flare-up. It was because of this man their peace in Bucharest was ruined.

Her eyes started to gleam while she scowled at him in warning, "I haven't got the chance to hurt you yet. And this piece of glass won't stop me from it."

Zemo nodded, fascinated by her.

"Hey," Bucky brushed his hand against her to tell her  it was okay.

He turned to Zemo, "Those days are over."

"I know. I just wanted to see how the new you react to the old words," Zemo replied, stepping closer to him. "Something is still in there. At least you were not conscious for most of your imprisonment."

"That time wasn't exactly a picnic," Bucky told him lowly.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry," Zemo said, stepping back. "It was never personal. You were simply a means to a necessary end."

"Someone recreated the super-soldier serum. We need to find out who," Sapphire spoke, her eyes still gleaming.

Zemo came forward to Sapphire, pointing at her, "You are assuming HYDRA has something to do with this, which is why you came to me, which means you are desperate."

She narrowed her eyes at him as he continued to talk, "Luckily for you, I know where to begin."

Her eyes landed on a book on top of a small table beside his bed. "What's the book you're reading?" She asked.

Zemo picked up the book, "Machiavelli." He opened in the middle and pulled something in between.

Sapphire's eyes turned to their normal steel and looked up at Bucky.

Bucky nodded at her before they talked more to Zemo.

When their time is up, they both were assisted by officers and passed by a group of detained mates, playing chess.

Sapphire threw a rolled paper on the table subtly. The inmate covered it with his palm before unraveling it and read the words written in German as Sapphire and Bucky continued to walk their way out.

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