Chapter 7

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📍Siberia, Russia | October 2023

5 years can either be a short or long time for someone who lost a loved one.

And, they would say trauma isn't your responsibility but getting better is.

For Sapphire, "but" becomes an invalidation. The same thing that she felt during her scream fest with Steve.

She traveled from country to country, masking her pain with void. And to all the places she's been to, she tried to find her peace.

But no.

Peace only came to her in the form of blue eyes.

She wandered, going back to the place she escaped from.

For 5 years, she's been doing missions again in Siberia. This time around, she wasn't hunting for blood. She was hunting for criminals that paid their way out of their consequences.

Sapphire didn't kill anyone. She promised Bucky that she's not doing that anymore, back in Bucharest. But, she did scare her victims shitless, making them confess to their acts.

Everyone saw the mystery of her as a hero or another hope because crime rates began to rise after the snap.

For Sapphire, it's the only way she could release her pain and anger.

She didn't care anymore whether she ends up in jail or some organization like HYDRA would get her.

It doesn't make a difference, knowing that each waking morning, she's waking up to the emptiness.

Her nightmares started again. But this time, it wasn't the face of her violator nor Dr. Petrov.

It was Bucky.

Bucky plague her mind of all their memories together and the "what could have been's." Seeing him makes it a nightmare because she knew that he's not gonna be there anymore when she opens her eyes.

There was a knock on the door, which made her look at it suspiciously. No one knew where she lived, and she's not fond of other people to make friends. Plus, it was snowing mid-year. So, who could it be?

"Кто здесь? (Russian: Who's there?)" Sapphire asked, standing up.

No one answered, the knock only continued.

She slowly got her knife from the bedside table while walking towards the door.

"Кто здесь? (Russian: Who's there?)" Ahe asked again a lot louder as she gripped the doorknob. There was still no reply, only the repetitive knocks.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in surprise to Steve.

When Scott made it back to their realm, he was confused about not seeing his family. He was also devasted in knowing what happened to Earth because of Thanos.

He immediately went to the Avengers Compound and gave his insight into using the quantum realm to take everyone back. They needed a lot of people and started to go to each Avenger.

Tony, who has now a daughter named Morgan, turned down in helping. He didn't want to risk his second chance by messing up with the time machine plan. 

Bruce was hesitant at first because it isn't in his field of expertise but did try to work with them. However, back in the compound, Bruce, Natasha, Steve were letting Scott test the quantum realm that was in the back of his van. 

It was safe to say that it was chaotic and a fail. 

Tony arrived at the compound, guessing that it didn't work while handing Steve's fixed shield. He was now on board in bringing everyone back. He laid down the plans and started to work with everyone as Rhodey, Nebula, and Rocket joined them. 

In the process of building the machine, they all decided to separate to talk people in to join their plan. Rocket, Scott, and Bruce went to the New Asgard to get Thor, while Natasha went to Japan and got Clint. 

As for Steve, he decided to search for Sapphire and found her in Siberia. 

"We need your help," Steve told her, standing in front of her. 

"No," she was about to shut the door when Steve stopped it with his feet. 

"Just hear me out," He pleaded. 

Sapphire rolled her eyes and opened the door widely, gesturing him to come inside. 

He sat on the small as he looked around her house. It was small and contained barely anything like the one in Bucharest. 

"If you came here to stare, then I suggest you leave. If your old brain can't remember, I don't like people," Sapphire spoke across from him. 

 Steve sighed, "I'm sorry for the last time we talked to each other."

Sapphire shrugged, "It's fine. So, why go there?"

"We have a plan to bring back everyone again. There's this thing called the quantum realm Tony and Scott are developing so we could do a time machine, get back the stones and snap it to bring everyone back," Steve explained. 

"Probability?" She asked. 

"50-50.""No," Sapphire answered. 

"Saf, we at least got to try, if it works-" Steve tried to persuade her. 

"And if doesn't? What then? You just filled me with hope to be torn apart again," she interrupted. "It took me 5 years to accept everything, Steve. I'm not risking it. Hell, I'm still not stable." 

"But Saf," Steve insisted but was cut off by Sapphire raising her hand to him to stop. 

"I've come to terms with it, alright?" 

"By what? Drowning yourself in sorrow?" Steve asked. 

Sapphire glared at him, "Yes. Actually, yes, Steve. That's exactly what I've been doing. Do you know why? Because this is a lot more fucked up than who I was before James!" 

Steve expected her outburst and continued to listen to her. 

"Because, then, all I knew was HYDRA and assassinating people. Then, James came and fuck!" She stood up, pacing around. "The world became a lot more bearable." 

"Then, let's try. Let's try to do this," Steve told her. 

"Again, what if it doesn't work?" Sapphire gritted. 

"And what if it does?" Steve retorted. 

"What if this is it? We will never know unless we try." 

Sapphire stared at him, not letting her tears fall. He has seen her once already, and there's no way she's going to do it again. 

"I know it's scary," Steve walked closer to her. 

"I'm not scared," she corrected, looking away from him. 


Steve pursed his lips and nodded, "We ought to try, Saf. If it doesn't work, then at least we can say we tried. Please. For Bucky."

Sapphire's resolve began, falling. She looked deep into Steve's eyes. 

She was fucking terrified.

Sapphire knew that if this doesn't work, she will finally lose her sanity, much worst than what happened after the snap, 5 years ago. 

But if she's going to lose it, might as well try to gain it.

Sapphire looked at Steve blankly and gave him a nod.

One last try.

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