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"You want to turn in yourself? "

Riki bit his lips, narrowing his eyes as he nodded his head. "Yes hyung. She deserves justice. "

He have explained the other what he did. From what happened to his father, to his revenge and for getting an innocent involved with it.

To say Jake was lost of words upon hearing it would be an understatement. He never thought that his friend have done something such as murder.

"Riki, that's first and second degree murder and you could live your life in prison. Are you sure you want to turn in yourself? "

It doesn't feel right to the older. He's aware of what he's doing. He's an officer, a superintendent and yet here he is, wanting the other to change his mind.

Riki is a good person, Jake could tell. That's why he grew a soft spot for the ravenette. That's why he's giving him a chance to give it a thought because he didn't want the younger to live his life in prison. He doesn't want to snatch the younger's future.

Jake knew he's being selfish and bias, especially to the innocent who have died on the ravenette's hand. But he just doesn't want to see the younger suffer and live his future behind bars.

He have witnessed a lot of people who have the same case as Riki. And all of them ended up having a life imprisonment. Some even faced the death penalty and he didn't want that to happen to his friend.

Any of his friends.

"I know hyung. "

The older sighed. "I'll give you time to think this carefully, Riki. I don't know what gotten to you to suddenly want to turn in yourself but just know that you don't deserve it. "

Riki only smiled and soon after, Jake bid him goodbye as his break time will about to end. Though before the older leave, he reminded the ravenette again that he doesn't deserve the punishment that's awaiting ahead of him if he turned himself in.

Riki left the cafe after that.

He walked down the pavement towards the direction of his house as his mind occupied of everything that's happening. His decisions and what he did in the past. The spirit and his future.

He never thought, neither imagined himself turning himself in before. He swore that no matter what happen, he won't admit what he did. But look at him now.

A dry chuckle left his mouth.

It's because Amber deserve this. She deserves justice.

Riki arrived at the house without him realizing. He stopped on the gate then entered the gate. Though he soon stopped on his track as his eyes landed on the petite figure standing just beside the door.

For two days, Riki haven't seen the spirit for two days. And he misses her so much that it hurts. He wanted to go to her and engulfed her with a bone crashing hug and tell the spirit how much he loves her and missed her, how much regretful he is.

Though he held himself. He refrained himself from doing any of those because he didn't want to make the other uncomfortable.

So he just gave the spirit a faint smile when their eyes met, then hung his head low and hesitantly walked towards the door. Though before he could even reach the door, Amber unexpectedly goes to him and block his way causing him to stop walking.

STAY WITH ME ; ni-kiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora