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Riki stared at Amber. Really stared at her. His ears couldn't believe what he heard since there is no way the spirit is apologising, right?

It's his fault why they argued. He neglected her, totally ignored her presence and says those words that probably hurts her.

Yeah sure Amber was the one who first approached him to talk things out and sort it but his stupid ass just picked a fight with her and said hurtful things just because he was tired which is really not a valid reason.

So there is no way she is apologising because he's clearly the one who should apologize.

The spirit sighed when Riki didn't utter a word. "I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass—"

"You're not a pain in the ass. " Riki immediately interrupted, standing up then walked towards the spirit. "I am. And I should be the one apologising, not you. I'm sorry for hurting you. "

Amber smiled and shakes her head. "It's not your fault. I'm just annoying—"

"You're not annoying. " the ravenette once again interrupted. "And I don't mean every word I've said that night. You're an amazing person and I want you to know that you're very special to me. "

To this, Amber couldn't help but to smile. "I'm not a person though. Well, not anymore. "

"It does look like you are. I keep forgetting you're a spirit because you're just so perfect. " Riki whispered, leaning down to give her a peck on her forehead.

He missed this. Him kissing her head and talking to her, having her close to him.

"Please forgive me. " He added making the spirit's smile widen.

"Only if you forgive me. "

The ravenette chuckled, leaning once again to kiss the crown of her head with a smile. "Even though it's not your fault, I forgive you then. "

"I forgive you now too Rikipoop. "

Riki chuckled as he ruffled Amber's hair. They talked a little bit more before they called it a day as Riki was too tired to stay awake all night.

But this time, he sleep with a smile on his lips. At least they sort whatever they have had, right? No heavy tensions anymore.

And that night, Amber stayed by his side with their hands intertwined until the morning.


Riki is confused. Really confused.

He had dreamed of the spirit leaving him and he was left alone in the dark. And he remembers in that dream of his how his heart shattered.

That's why he wanted to cry when he saw her beside him when he woke up this morning. He even asked her to not leave him because of that dream of his.

And since then, he started contemplating his feelings towards her. The things they do and everything. The way the spirit would smile to him and how his heart would backflips, how he becomes happy just to be with her presence and everything!

And he's going crazy because there is no way he's having feelings to her. He can't. Amber isa spirit and he's a human. They can't be, can they?

"What's up? " Sunoo asked once he settled in front of the ravenette.

Since Heeseung isn't in the country and it's Saturday, Riki decided to pay his friend a visit. Jake is busy at the moment and so Sunoo was the only available in his circle of friends.

The ravenette sighed. "I just... I don't know where to start. "

His friend, Sunoo, leaned forward, resting his elbows on the glass table. "Hey, you okay? "

The younger immediately nodded. "Yes yes I am. It's just... I don't know what to do. "

Hearing this, the older nodded his head, leaning his back against the chair. "Tell me, hyung is here, ready to listen and might as well give you advice. "

"Hyung, how do you know when you love someone? I mean, I know it's a big word but—"

"Are you in love Riki? "

Riki's eyes widened. "What? No no. I mean, I don't know. Maybe like but love? It's a big wor—"

"Mind to tell me what you feel then? "

The younger sighed, scratching the back of his head as he gets shy all of the sudden.

Amber isn't with him today as he asked her if she could stay at the house for some time as he'll just run some errands and that's how he ended up in Sunoo's cafe without the spirit.

"Well, I really like her. Her laugh, her smile and everything about her. It's like she's an angel, a beauty that's so rare. Everytime she's around, I couldn't help but to get excited and to have this warm feeling all over my body and it's suddenly becoming perfect everytime I see—"

"Yeah you are. " Sunoo, who couldn't stop smiling, interrupted the other once again.

Riki blinked. "What? "

"You do realize that your eyes twinkle just by speaking about her, don't you? And the way you talk to her, it seems like she's special. "

"She is. So I'm in love? "

Sunoo chuckled at the ravenette's question. "I can't say it for you but you're the only one who knows that, Riki. "

Silence filled them after that as Sunoo stared at the younger who's staring at the table. And soon enough, the ravenette let out a deep sigh and looked at the older.

"But hyung, what if we can't be together? What if we aren't meant to be and we'll only hurt at the end? "

The fact that Amber is a mere spirit, is a red line to Riki that he didn't know if he could willingly cross. They can't be together. Because both of them comes from different world.

"It looks like you're just scared. Look, don't let anyone or anything get in the way. If you both love each other then that's it. Love can also means pain so it's okay to be hurt. " A sigh left Sunoo's lips as he stood up and took a step closer to the ravenette. He patted the younger's shoulder.

"You only live once, don't live it with regret. "

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