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"Wait a minute, hyung. I'll just tie this. " Riki exclaimed, afraid that the older would leave him alone in the 'Heelift' dancing studio. He tied his shoelace then grabbed his bag, swinging it to his back then jogged towards the older who's playing with his car keys.

Heeseung chuckled as he locked the studio and both of them gets inside the car.

Riki glanced at the spirit who's already sitting at the back seat.

Amber smiled then waved her hand causing the ravenette to cough as he immediately averted his eyes in front of him. His insides tugging but he chose to ignore it.

It's not like it's new to him or something. In fact, he's used to feel his stomach feeling funny, heart beats in an abnormal pace whenever the spirit would smile to him or become sweet to him.

He couldn't say it's not a good thing because as much as Riki dislikes the feeling, he won't deny that it's... Great? No, it's more than that. It's something he couldn't pinpoint but one thing he's certain though. He's going crazy because there is no way he can be attached to a spirit like her. Heck was that even possible?

Yeah sure, he's growing accustomed to the spirit but there is no way he's having feelings towards her, right?

Riki is not an idiot, let alone stupid to not know what those feelings are. He just doesn't want to admit that he's having feelings to a spirit.

To her.

That's why he dislikes the feeling.

It's not that he can push her away since, well, she's a spirit and there is no way he can hide from her. Even when he hid himself inside a box, she can easily find him.

Riki sighed, looking through the window as the small space of the car was filled with nothing but silence. The only thing you'll hear was the faint sound of the engine. Well, for Heeseung of course because Riki clearly hear a certain someone, a spirit to be exact, in the back seat blabbering about how the students are so great in dancing and that she wanted to dance too.

The ravenette just silently listened. It's not like he can reply to her even he wanted to since there is someone in the car who by the way is no doubt scared to ghosts and spirits.

"But seriously, you should teach me how to dance Rikipoop. "

A sigh left the ravenette's lips, slipping his hands at the back then shake it as a reply to her to not talk for the meantime.

"What are you doing? "

Riki snapped his head to the older who's looking at him with confused eyes then to his hand then back to his eyes.

"Oh-uh" He hears the spirit at the back.

"N-nothing hyung. It's just that it's hot here and it's cold at the back. "

That was lame, all of them are aware of that. That's why Amber burst into a fit of laughter at the back, smacking his hand which created an unintended sound. And both of them didn't expected that as Riki's eyes widened and Amber's laugh faltered.

"What was that? "

"It's me! It's because it's too cold here—oh wow, I didn't know we already arrived at Sunoo hyung's cafe, let's go. " And with that, Riki didn't wait for the older to reply as he immediaiately gets out of the car.

Heeseung shook his head, confused at the younger's weirdness.

The three of them, including the spirit who's walking next to the ravenette, entered the cafe.

The aroma of coffee immediaiately hits the ravenette's nostrils as he inhaled deeply. His eyes immediaiately found their friend at the counter, wiping the glass where different types of bread and cake are being displayed.

"Oh Sunoo~" Heeseung sang as they goes to the counter.

The said man smiled and shook his head, "Hey Heeseung hyung and Riki"

"Hi hyung" The youngest greeted, smiling at their friend as he gave the spirit a side glance who by now is sitting on the chair beside the glass wall.

"What are you two doing here? " Sunoo asked as he didn't expect the two to stop by in his shop.

"Why? Are we not allowed to come here? Ouch, I'm hurt. Riki, let's go. "

Instead of commenting, Sunoo just rolled his eyes from how dramatic the oldest is.

"We came here hyung to have some coffee hehe. " Riki was the one who answered as Heeseung was still busy clutching his chest where his heart was located as if he's really hurting.

And with that, the two ordered their kind of coffee and of course with an 'ice cream cake' for Riki as they goes to an available table.

The ravenette sat at the table where the spirit is sitting as he wait for their order. And just like in the car, Amber once again, started talking and what's worse is that Heeseung starts talking too.

Riki sighed as he nods his head from something Heeseung was saying while his eyes are locked with the spirit who's now smiling and doing a peace sign.

Soon after, Sunoo walked in the table with a tray in hand and set their order on the table.

"Looks so delicious, I want to have a taste" Amber spoke, eyeing the cake that Sunoo served.

Riki smirked. "Too bad you can't. " He replied, shaking his head then look at Heeseung who is looking at him again with those confusing eyes.

"What's up with you today? You're being extra weird. " The older says then sips on his Americano. His eyes then turned into a suspicion one. "Or were you seeing something I don't see? "


"I swear to god, Nishimura Riki. If there is somethi—"

"Hyung. " The younger interrupted, looking at his hyung with 'are-you-kidding-me' look. "I just remembered something and it just happens to slip from my mouth, you know" He then look at the spirit next to him who's eyes not leaving the piece of cake.

The bell rang indicating that there's another customer.

Riki's brow furrowed when he saw the girl goes to the counter with a smile. Sunoo walked around the counter and greeted the girl with a hug.

"Hyung, do you know her? " He asked Heeseung who also looked at the two being lovey-dovey.

The older hummed, nodding his head. "It's Sunoo's girlfriend. "

Riki was about to ask again but was interrupted by a faint voice beside him.

"Yoona unnie? "

It was the spirit who's looking at the couple not that far from their table, tears forming in the corner of her eyes that Riki is definitely not ready to see yet.


Thank you for reading!

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