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"Huh? " Was the first word that left the spirit's lips. It's laced with confusion in her voice as her forehead creased upon hearing the other's response.

To this, Riki sighed. "I thought I've lost you when I didn't see you at Sunoo hyung's shop. I thought you left me. "

Amber blinked, a smile spreading on her lips at every words that the other is saying. "You were worried because you thought you have lost me? That I left you? "

Riki nodded causing the spirit to burst out laughing making the ravenette frown but didn't loosen his hold to her.

"What's funny? "

Amber shakes her head, calming down from laughing. "I just.... I was worried of you getting tired of me and then you'll say that you were worried about me leaving you? "


"I'll never get tired of you. " Riki suddenly spoke, erupting silence in the room and in between the two of them. Their eyes were locked to each other's.

"So don't think of that. " he added.

Amber smiled. It was not the usual wide smile she always put whenever she's teasing the other, no. It's a faint smile that Riki rarely witness.

"I'll never leave you too, so don't think of that. "

"You'll never kno—"

"I promise. " Amber brought her hand to her chest and crossed it out. "You know why? "

"Why? "

At this point, Riki didn't know what to think. He's tired physically and he badly needed to sleep. But his brain that somehow is getting along with his heart doesn't want to rest yet, not when the two of them are having this kind of conversation.

"Because I considered you as my sun. My sunshine. "

Riki choked on his own saliva upon hearing what the spirit had just said. Well, he was expecting her to say that he is the only one who can communicate to her and such.... But well, they say expect the unexpected.

"And why is that? " He asked, cocking his brow to her then chuckles when the spirit suddenly gets flustered.

"It's because you give me light. You lit up my world. " Amber answered truthfully.

Riki is the one who supposed to say those cheesy things and not the other way around. Now, he didn't know what to react, especially that the spirit is showing him a new side of her.... And it's the first time they talk about these things and it just suddenly happened.


"Well, you bright up my world too. You bring happiness and new feelings that I've never encountered before. " He states, smiling as he unwrapped his hands around the spirit and reached for her hand instead. "And in this case, you're my moon. You say I'm your sun? Then you have no choice but to be my moon. "

Amber giggled, bringing out a smile from the ravenette.

Yeah, that sounds great. Perfect, even. He is her sun and she's his moon.

Silence follows after that as neither of them utter a single word. They just leaned to each other in a comfortable peace resonating the room.

Though, that only lasts for a few good minutes as Riki told the spirit that he badly needs to sleep or else he will pass out.

That's why after putting the cake on the fridge, he immediately changed his clothes into a sleeping pair and washed his face then brsuhed his teeth before he finally layed on his bed, calling it a day.

Well, he was on his way in his dreamland when he felt something laying beside him, hands wrapping around his torso.

A smile formed on his lips as he turned to the side and hugged her waist before falling asleep.


The first thing that Riki did when he woke up at dawn was to call Heeseung and call in sick for today as he was planning to spend the day by sleeping and sleeping alone.

He was barely awake when Heeseung told him it's okay and that he needed to rest anyway. So when the call ended, he immediately drifted back to slumber.

Well, his planned was to sleep till this afternoon. But it seems like that plan of him will never happen any time soon as the spirit woke him up around eight in the morning. She even teased him for drooling and snoring while sleeping which they both knew isn't true.

But anyway, the spirit apparently managed to dragged the boy away from the bed.

And now he's sitting on the little library in the second floor of the house with Amber beside him.

"Next. " the spirit says cutely as Riki flipped to the next page.

Apparently, Amber asked him to read with her in the library. The ravenette wasn't that fan of reading books, especially when he's tired but since the spirit is persistent.... And irresistible, he's now here. Holding a book and flipping pages so that Amber could read.

A sigh left his lips, eyes barely open but despite the need to continue his sleep, he blinked his eyes multiple times and focused on reading even though he misses the other part of the book.

The things he'll do for her, that's for sure.


Thank you for reading!

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