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Something is wrong, Riki could tell. Because the moment Amber utter the name of the new arrival, since then, she became.... Quiet.

No no, it's not the quiet where Riki would fall on his knees and thank God for making the spirit shut her mouth, no. It was the type of quiet laced with something.

Something like sadness.

And it's making him uncomfortable. The thought was disturbing him and definitely not sitting right on his chest.

The way the spirit would bite her lips, gaze either on the girl who named 'Yoona' or on the floor. She didn't even tease or make fun, let alone acknowledge his presence which is so unusual!

This is the first time Riki encountered this side of her. Yeah sure, he had witnessed the spirit being sad but not this kind of sad to the point where she looks like she have lost someone dear to her.

It's incomparable.

And so he made a mental note to ask the spirit later.

So after Sunoo introduced his girlfriend to them which Riki observed her reaction.

And she's on the brink of crying.

That's why he asked Heeseung if they can go home, making up a stupid excuse like he badly needed to poop or something.

Amber silently followed them in the car, head hanging low causing the ravenette to sigh.

In this kind of circumstances, Riki didn't know what to do. Should he hug her? Hold her hand? Talk to her and tell her that everything's alright which is clearly not?

Yoona must be someone important to the spirit because why would she act like that if not? Perhaps she is her friend? A cousin? A sister?

It didn't took long after Heeseung parked the car in front of the ravenette's house. Riki thanked him and bid him goodbye, secretly glancing at the spirit making sure she's out of the car before he goes out and waited for the older to leave his line of sight.

Amber was already inside when Riki decided to enter the house. He sighed, running a had through his raven locks contemplating how to comfort or just lift her mood up.

Should he ask her to watch that movie again which the spirit quoted as her favorite movie?

Mehh, Riki would possibly passed out if he'd watch that again for the nth time already. Plus he's certain it'll make it worse since she always cry at the end of the movie so basically, it's out of the option.

"Yah!!! Rikipoop!!! "

The ravenette cocked a brow in confusion upon hearing the cheerful and full of life voice of a certain someone who's currently occupying his mind.

"What? "

A head popped on the couch as Amber smiled widely. "Let's watch my favorite movie! "

Riki walked towars the couch and plopped down next to the spirit. "Not until you tell me what happened back there. "

Yeah, no. Riki at least want to know what's up back then before they could watch that..... Movie again. Probably for hundred times already.

And just like that, the wide smile on the spirit's lips faltered upon hearing what he says. Her eyes held that same sadness again, but this time, it's laced with pain. And Riki would be lying if he says it didn't bother him because it does. More so than he thought.

"You know Yoona noona? " The ravenette asked, starting the conversation again when the spirit didn't utter a word.

Amber nodded then faint a smile. "She's a friend of mine. We became friends when we're still a little " she paused, biting her lip. "She's my sister, you know? Not by blood but by heart, of course"

Riki didn't know what have gotten to him but he lifted his hand and reached the spirit as he started patting her shoulder softly.

Amber smiled to him which made the ravenette to retreat his hand, but not in an obvious way, as his eyes didn't left hers.

"And it's been a while since I last saw her. Was it three years already? " Amber questioned followed by a laugh as she shakes her head. "I always visit her on my first week after I died but I saw how she's not taking my death well. I can't see her hurting that's why I stopped visiting. "

A stray tear fell down her cheek which was instantly wiped by the ravenette's thumb.

"But then when I came back to her, she was no longer in her house. She was gone and I never saw her again till today" the spirit continued, chuckling when Riki dried her tears on her cheeks. "Anyway, I didn't know she'll really end up with her long time crush, maybe that's why your friend is kinda familiar" she added, the atmosphere seems to lighten up.

Riki chuckled. "Long time crush? "

Amber nodded. "You have no idea. " she chuckled, shaking her head. "And wow, she eventually made him hers just like what she promised me. "

"Hmm." The ravenette hummed. "They looked so in love with each other. "

"No doubt to Yoona unnie. " Amber looked at the tv screen then back to the ravenette, smiling widely, brows jerking while looking at him playfully. "So let's now watch my favorite movie? "

Riki groaned. 


Thank you for reading!

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