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"Definitely not. "

Riki disagreed, shaking his head as he poured himself a glass of water and drank it down.

"Why not? It'll be funny! " Amber beamed, eyes twinkling in amusement.

"It sure will, but it's Heeseung hyung we're talking here. He will force me to move out from this house and rent another house or apartment " Riki paused, leaning his back against the sink as he crossed his arms on his chest. "And probably invite paranormal shits or priests to cast away all supernatural things here " He pointed at her before continuing. "Including you. "

Instead of frowning or giving up the idea of scaring his 'on their way to his house' guests, the spirit giggled. "It's fine. It's not that it will faze me or something"

The ravenette's brows furrowed. "What? "

"The first week of my death, I practically stayed in church and even attended divine service. " Amber's smile widens. "And you know what that means? "

Riki dumbly stared at her. "What? "

The spirit tapped her chin with her fingers, acting as if she's thinking of something. "I'm a good spirit and I can scare your friend. "

And with that, Amber sprinted out of the kitchen.

Well shit.

Riki just hope she will go easy in his hyung. Or just Heeseung will survive his time inside his house.

It's been a while since that day when Riki met the spirit inside his room. A month to be precise. And since then, he grew accustomed to her childish cute acts. The way she'd blab nonstop about nonsense things and how would she always annoys the ravenette which happens everytime by the way.

Amber always distract him whenever he's at work or just in public places. And sometimes, Riki thought he's loosing his sanity everytime the spirit will suddenly become sweet and caring, which happens for about five times already since he met her, if he's not mistaken.

Oh, and her adorably dangerous smile that's making his heart flips and beat in an abnormal way.

Curse your smile!

It's around two in the afternoon when Heeseung along with Jake and Sunoo (which was introduced to him not long ago) arrived in the house. Riki of course welcomed them inside.

Today is Saturday, so there's no dance class at all. Heeseung was the one who insists to hang out together today. And since Riki didn't want to leave the house for some reason, Sunoo was the one who suggested why not hangout in the ravenette's house which everyone agreed, much to the youngest's displeasure.

That's why they ended up here. In his house.

Riki roamed his gaze in the living room, sighing in relief upon not seeing the spirit there.

Amber knows Heeseung and Jake, because they're the people who came to Riki's rescue when he thought that she's a trespasser. But Riki is certain she haven't meet Sunoo yet that's why he is honestly nervous on how will she react upon seeing an unfamiliar face inside the house.

When Heeseung introduced Sunoo to the ravenette, Amber wasn't there as she chose to stay at home that day and that explains why.

Sunoo owns a cafe, that's what the youngest wouldn't forget about the man since they met and was introduced to each other in his cafe.

"I didn't notice this before but damn Riki, this house is actually good. " Heeseung commented, finally having a better look of the interior of the house. "But the thing is, good things means danger. " He added.

Riki raised his brow. "For a millionth time already hyung, there is no ghost or monster here. "

Jake laughed. "Heeseung-ah, it's already twenty first century, such things don't exist anymore. "

The said man just huffed and rolled his eyes before sitting down the long couch.

Riki laughed but soon faltered as he instinctively snapped his head to the certain direction upon hearing a fit of giggles. Her giggles.

Oh God.

Riki gave the spirit the look but she just shrugged her shoulder and sat beside Heeseung who's totally oblivious by the fact that he's currently sitting next to a spirit.

Riki can already imagine his hyung having a stroke or heart attack right at the spot once he finds out about the spirit sitting next to him.

"So what now? " Jake asked, sitting at the far end of the couch.

"Actually, I was thinking of having a mo-OH FUCK! " Heeseung jolted from the couch, eyes wide as plates as his skin paled.

Riki's eyes widen as he looked at the spirit who by now is dying in laughter.

Well, she just so happen to blow an air towards Heeseung's ear and Riki didn't know how she did it.

"What? " Jake asked, confused by his friend's sudden reaction.

"What happened? " Sunoo asked, oblivious of what happened since he excused himself earlier to use the bathroom.

But instead of answering their questions, Heeseung looked at the ravenette. "There is a ghost-a ghost is here Riki, I told you. I'm out! "

And just like that, Heeseung left the house while muttering prayers as the three of them, excluding the still laughing spirit, watched his departure.

Sunoo frowned. "What's with him? "

Jake frowned. "I still couldn't believe someone is believing such things. " He sighed and faced the ravenette. "Guess let's hangout next time? We didn't bring a car with us and it looks like Heeseung will leave now. "

Riki laughed and nodded his head. "Right hyung. "

"And Riki" The ravenette hummed as he fixed his gaze to his friend. "Ghost doesn't really exist so don't mind what Heeseung said. "

Riki smiled, nodding his head as the two older men exited the house while calling for their scared friend.

Riki shook his head, chuckling. Though it faltered when his gaze landed on the spirit.

"I told you to not do it. " He spoke, trying his best not to smile.

"What? At least they're gone now and we can finally watch movies just like we planned-"

"You mean you planned? "

The spirit just sheepishly smiled.


Thank you for reading!

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