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"Riki! "

Riki looked up and saw his Heeseung hyung making his way towards his direction with a big smile plastered on his lips.

"Hey hyung. " He smiled as the man gave him a side hug and sat in front of him.

Good thing Amber is sitting beside him and he doesn't need to see Heeseung sitting on the same chair she's sitting again.

Today is Saturday and Riki had no plans aside from spending the day with the spirit. Though, he got a phone call from the other earlier before lunch, asking if they could meet in Sunoo's cafe as he has something important to tell to the ravenette.

Heeseung goes to the counter to order when he realized he doesn't have a coffee and soon after, he came back with a mug on his hand.

"So what is it? The important thing you wanted to tell me that you can't tell through phone? " The youngest asked, sipping on his coffee with his eyes focusing on his hyung.

"Ahh that " The older paused as he sipped on his coffee as well, wiping his lips after doing so. "I found a place. "

"It seems like it's going to rain. "

Riki heard what the spirit says but chose to ignore it since Heeseung was right in front of him. The latter already caught him talking to her and fortunately for the ravenette, the older miraculously didn't suspect it. Though maybe he was thinking that the ravenette was weirder than usual which was better than finding out about him talking to a ghost.

"A place? "

"Yep, a place. A house actually. It was for sale and it might not cheaper than the house you're currently living but it's great. It's not too big nor too small. " The older sips again on his coffee. "And I'm pretty sure you're going to like it. I know your type of a house. "

Riki's brow furrowed. "I'm fine with the house I'm living in though. I mean, I appreciate it hyung. I appreciate you for looking for another house but I'm not planning to leave the one I'm currently living. "

He met Amber in that house and so he wouldn't leave that house.

"Are you sure? I mean, I'm pretty sure something we don't see lives there and I just want you to be okay. " The older replies making Riki smile then shook his head.

"There is no evil spirit there hyung, trust me. " The ravenette says, glancing at the spirit who is busy watching the two of them talking. "Maybe an angel but definitely not an evil spirit like what you watched in movies. " He added.

Amber blinked her eyes as she averted her gaze from the ravenette while scrunching her nose. A habit she have that Riki noticed.

Heeseung eyed the younger for a good few seconds before he let out a defeated sigh. Since the last time he goes to the ravenette's house and encountered something, like cold breeze on his ear, he was convinced that there is something wrong in that house.

And he wanted to protect the ravenette but seeing him now, it seems like moving out from that house is making him uncomfortable. And it also seems like he really likes the house. So if that's the case, well, he can do nothing about it. He just needed to support the younger.

Though if something happens for the younger because of that thing they don't see, then Heeseung will get paranormal experts and cast out whoever, whatever they are.

"Okay. " the oldest says, glancing at his watch remembering that he has a meeting to attend with a CEO of a talent agency. "Anyway, I need to go. You good at walking? "

Riki nodded his head.

"Okay then, take care Riks. I'll get going. " And with that, the other left the cafe.

"What now? " The ravenette asked, glancing at the counter to see Sunoo's busy wiping the glass in the counter before he faced the other side to look at the spirit.

Amber smiled teasingly.

"Angel huh. " she commented with a teasing tone, brows going up and down.

He chuckled. "Yes baby, you are an angel. "

And just like that, the teasing look and the teasing smile on the spirit's face faltered, totally vanished and was replaced by flushing cheeks causing the ravenette to smirk.

Since their not so obviously mini confession, using 'Moon' and 'Sun' to each other, they grew more closer than before.

It's like the last wall between them that's keeping some things awkward, disappears.

Like they can now hold hand without being awkward and can look at each other for so long without feeling awkward. And the ravenette can use sweet names to her without feeling like he's over stepping something which ends up with the spirit, blushing.....

And Riki loves to see and use it against her when she's teasing him.

Well, about the teasing, Amber doesn't tease him that much unlike before. She also stopped distracting him in his work unlike before. And lastly, she's behaving in public places especially when Riki's friends are around. She will only talk if it's necessary.

Just like earlier, she just said that it looks like it will rain and other than that, nothing. She said or did nothing.

"What about we go to that beach again and watch sunset? " The spirit suggests after a good few seconds.

Riki smiled.

"Sounds perfect. " He says, getting up and exited the cafe, not before telling his goodbye to Sunoo who's behind the counter.

"It's really good here. " Amber spoke once they arrived at the beach they went before to watch the sunset. Amber goes to her previous spot which is above the big rock.

Riki stood next to it and leaned against it while humming.

"It is. " He agreed.

It's still a bit early for the sun to set so the two of them waited for a few minutes before they started witnessing the beautiful scene once again.

The sunset.

"Look, the two sun is facing each other. " The spirit suddenly says, breaking the silence.

Confused, Riki looked at her. "Huh? "

Amber smiled. "I said the two sun are facing each other. "

The spirit laughed when the ravenette didn't get her point. "I mean you, my sun, and the earth's sun is facing each other, you slow Rikipoop. "

Riki chuckled whilst facing her, feeling stupid all of a sudden. "Yeah? Oh look, I thought the moon will appear later but I was wrong since it's in front of me. "

He countered back.

They laugh as Amber shakes her head and just decided to watch the sunset in front of them. Silence follows after that.

When the most part of the sun was already set, and barely peeking on the surface, Riki looked at the spirit then smiled.

Maybe he still denies the fact that he likes her. But he'll admit, he can't go with his life without the spirit by his side.


Thank you for reading!

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