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"You good to go? "

Riki looked behind him to see his hyung standing on the door of the wide practice room they're currently in. "Yeah hyung, just need to fix this a bit. " The younger answered, bringing his foot on the tool in front of him to tie his shoelace before grabbing his bag then walked towards his hyung. "Let's go. "

Both of them left the building and climbed inside Heeseung's car.

It's been four days since Riki moved in Seoul. It's also been four days since he started living in the house he bought. And since then, Riki felt or see nothing strange in the house. Sure, he always say to Heeseung that ghost aren't real and that those rumors are nothing but rumors since he haven't encountered the 'ghost' or 'evil spirit' which the other people call it.

No flying mug, no banging on the door and the lights does not turn off by itself just like some of the rumors are saying.

That's why the ravenette concluded that they're just rumors, nothing else.

Or maybe it was. It just that the ravenette hadn't had the time to encounter them since the next day of his stay in the house, he immediately went for work, a job that Heeseung offered him. Being a dance teacher on his dance class. And since then, he wakes up really early, too early to be exact, take a shower then leave. And then he'll be back late at night, take a quick shower then sleep. And repeat.

"Up until now I'm not comfortable in that house. " Heeseung says once he parked right outside of the tall gate of the younger's place.

Riki chuckled. "It's because you're scared hyung. But I swear, nothing's strange in that house. " He says, unbuckling the seatbelt. "Anyway, thanks for the ride hyung. " He flashed the older a warm smile before climbing out of the other's car.

"By the way, Riki. Try to rest tomorrow, yeah? "

Riki's smile widens as he nodded his head to his friend while muttering 'yes' before he completely shut the car door. He waited for Heeseung to leave before he came inside.

And just like what the ravenette usually does, he entered the gate and the house, opening the lights and locking the door behind him before making his way up to his room and to the attached bathroom to have a quick shower before he plopped down the soft mattress, calling it a day, too tired to even dry his wet hair.

And again, he missed to notice the girl who's staring at his form from the same corner she have been sitting.


The sun is up, Riki can tell as he stirred on his sleep. His eyes slowly opened, white ceiling immediately came to his line of sight. He blinked multiple times, not having this long sleep since he moved in. And he's definitely not complaining.

He shut his eyes tightly as he stretches his limb before he rises to his feet, checking the time then walked towards the bathroom to wash his face and mouth before going downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee and a pancake for breakfast.

He doesn't have work today since the dance class was only on weekdays. And just like what he was planning yesterday, he'll sleep the whole day... After his breakfast of course since he skipped dinner yesterday and he's quite starving.

It took a few minutes before the ravenette found himself munching on his newly made pancakes while taking a sip on his hot coffee from time to time.

He set the plate on the sink, taking a mental note to wash it later before he took his unfinished coffee, bringing it with him to his room.

It was quiet. The house is too quiet that Riki can literally hear his light steps on the marbled floor. A sigh left his lips as he ran his available hand through his hair, pushing his raven hair back before opening the door of his room.

"Oh shit! " Was the first word that left his mouth once he entered the room, nearly spilling the coffee from his mug as he practically jerked back.

Because right there in front of him is a girl sitting on a chair beside the window, eyes looking at him with a wide smile plastered on her lips.


I'd never live in a house when there's a rumor circulating about it.... Like bro, I'm not a brave person and this ain't a movie.

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