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"So, do you like " Riki paused, glancing at the spirit who by now, is sitting on one of the stool while looking at him. He cleared his throat. "Eat foods too? "

Amber shrugged. "I don't know. "

The ravenette turned off the stove and washed his hands on the sink before turning around. "Have you not tried it before? "

She hummed. "I mean, I'm already dead so it's not necessary for me to eat. Plus I don't think I can hold something. " her voice was low in the last sentence but he still caught it.

Right. The spirit barely hold things. She can't even open a door, she just simply walk through.

"Well " Riki spoke, getting two bowls, pouring ramen in it then set it on the table. "Let's try then. Eat with me. "

The look in the spirit's face was hesitant, the boy could tell. But then a smile appears in his lips when he saw Amber trying to grab the chopsticks.


Because she couldn't. She can't.

Riki sighed but the spirit just gave him a faint smile.

"It's okay, it's not like I'm hungry anyway." She lied. Not about her being hungry but her being okay with it.

The ravenette could tell that the spirit not entirely okay with it. The way her eyes dropped to the chopsticks once again and to the bowl of ramen he set in front of her just a while ago, it's like she's trying to be okay.


And you know what's more crazy than that? It's Riki feeling sad about her when he just met the spirit yesterday morning. Heck, she's not even alive anymore so why is his heart aching seeing the sadness in her eyes?

This is crazy. He thought, letting out an another sigh.

After the dinner, Riki just put the two empty bowls (he ate the ramen he gave her) before making his way upstairs and in his room.

Yesterday, the spirit and him talked about things that should be followed when they're both sharing the house. Sure she's already a spirit but she's still living in the house so it is just fair to create some rules.

Rule number one, NEVER walk in the bathroom while the other is using it.

Amber told him that she doesn't use the bathroom anymore since the day she died so she don't have a reason to use it now. And she also swore to not enter one while the ravenette is using it.

And yeah, you can say it's so damn awkward when they're're both discussing that thing which both of them ended up blushing by the way.

Rule number two, Amber can come to his job but NEVER distract him.

That rule wasn't really planned but when the spirit brought it, telling him that it's so boring to be in the house alone in the whole day, well you could say Riki agreed after a few minutes of her persuading him.

Rule number three, the spirit should NOT talk to him in public places, let alone touch him or mess with him.

If there's a thing that Amber could definitely touch, it's him. And both of them didn't know why.

How did they know?

Well, it's when they both shake hands. Plus what happened yesterday when Riki stumbled upon going to his closet while the two of them are having a talk and the spirit happened to be standing in front of him and yes, he crashed on her and both of them fell on the ground, groaning in pain. Well, at least for Riki since Amber didn't feel anything at all.

And that's why they ended up having that rule.

Rule number four, NEVER bring a girl to bang inside the house.

Amber was the one who created that rule, telling him that she's already traumatized by the people from the past who lived in the house, bringing a girl or boy to bang inside.

That, of course, earned a chuckle from Riki but he agreed nonetheless. Because first, he isn't the type of person who loves one night stand. Second, he's damn sure he's single at the moment.

And lastly, the spirit should NOT scare him.

That rule wasn't really created, given by the fact that Riki is really not scared to her being a ghost. So that rules wasn't planned at all.

But when he walked in the little library in the second floor last night and found the spirit there lying on the wooden floor swimming with her own blood, little hole right in the middle of her forehead, Riki almost passed out right on his spot.

The sight was frightening and he almost called for help. If Amber didn't laugh and came back from her form where there's no bullet on her forehead, Riki might've made a fool of himself by calling for an emergency.

And right there, the ravenette created that rule despite the protests coming from the spirit, telling him that it's funny which of course earned a scoff from the other.

The sight was disturbing. And Riki couldn't help that time but to think if she died in that state....


Riki groaned, slapping the hand away that's poking his cheeks, his eyes refuses to open to see who was doing it. Though, his eyes were immediately shot open when he hears a giggle and saw the spirit sitting beside the bed whilst poking his cheeks.

"Oh please, I'm sleeping. " The ravenette muttered, rolling to the other side, tightening his hug on the pillow.

"Yeah, you're sleeping and it's time for you to wake up. "

Riki hummed upon hearing what she had said, peeling his eyes open once again to glance at her who's pointing the alarm clock and as if on cue, it rang.

What's the point of setting an alarm if a ghost will wake me up?

Groaning, Riki rises to his feet and immediately goes inside the bathroom, readying himself for the day.


Thank you for reading!

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