Chapter Twenty-Six

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I had fun writing this. Hope you have fun reading it too! So yeah, enjoy! - Zane


~3rd person pov~

Zane just look at the picturesque view and his eyes slowly flutters before he drifted into the Dreamland.

Steve noticed the soft snoring and chuckled.

Sam: Hey, Steve. Is he capable of doing things out of the ordinary cuz' he's half Asgardian?

Steve: I think so. But he's still half human. So I think he'll still get tired like us.

Sam looked at Zane and make the
' I guess that makes sense' face. They walk into the tower and proceed to the dining room. Nat and Albert are discussing about having a next sparring session. Bucky sat at the dining table along with Tony and Thor.

Tony: So, any news about Loki?

Thor: No, my brother is still out there. I don't know why he is in the Midgard.

Tony: You can't sense his power or something?

Thor: It's not a skill that I have.

When Tony saw them, mainly Zane, he got up and walk towards them. Steve tap on Zane's back lightly. He got up slowly, rubbing his eyes.

Zane: Ngh~.. Is it breakfast?

Tony: Yep. We're having pancakes.

Tony took Zane from Steve and carry him to the table. He sat Zane on the vacant seat between him and Bucky.

Tony: Blueberries or chocolate?

Zane: Both?

Tony: Good choice.

Tony smiled before putting the pancakes on Zane's plate.

Bucky: Morning, kiddo.

Zane: Good morning, Uncle Bucky.

Bucky ruffled Zane's hair as they smiled. Tony added some whipped cream on the pancakes before adding some syrup.

Tony: Enjoy!

Zane: Thanks!

Truthfully, Zane haven't seen nor tasted a flavoured pancakes, so he kinda look forward to the pancakes in front of him. And, boy oh boy, it tasted wonderful that he can't help but smile every time he stuff his mouth with it. Since his feet doesn't touch the ground, he swing it as he eat. When everyone is finally at the table, Sam started to break the peace.

Sam: Guys, hear me out! Steve finally had a rival!

Nat: A rival in what?

Sam: During our morning run, as usual, Steve passed by me while sayin' ' On your left!'.

Tony: Typical Capsicle.

Nat: Yup.

Sam: Yeah, BUT! He finally got it said on his face this morning! By a kid! More than once!

Bucky: Really?

Tony: Wow.. never thought you'd be defeated by a kid. Better luck next time, Cap.

Steve: Well, he's a healthy kid.

Tony: Nuh-uh. He's underweight. That little Stark still managed to beat you under that circumstances. So, you good, Cap?

Steve: We all know that you can't beat anyone in running, Stark.

Tony: How is this suddenly about me? Nat, you seeing this?

Nat: But he's right though. I'll give you that.

Tony: Oh, come on!

While all the bickering was happening, Bucky and Zane chatted about stuff and laugh at hilarious topics.

Out of the blue, a clump of whipped cream was thrown and hit Zane. Everyone was nervous, afraid that he might cry or something. He was shocked at first before laughing like a madman.

Tony: Okay, who threw that?! I'm going to slather you in butter!

He randomly throw some butter at the other people. And food fight started. Really, the adults are like kids again throwing everything at their disposal to hit one another. Peter and Zane just hid under the table while watching them.

Zane: Hey, Peter. Did you saw who threw the whipped cream at me?

Peter: It was Mr. Barton. He aimed at Mr. Stark but somehow it ended up on your face.

Zane: I guess he can miss sometimes.

They just laugh. Zane used his power to clean himself. The food fight continued for a while until somehow, somebody threw a pancake on Nick Fury's face. They all were stunned as they look at Nick. He took the pancake off his face before putting it on Sam's head because he's the nearest to him.

Zane: Peter, Who's that?

Peter: Uh.. um.. I think you should ask your uncle. Let's get out from our hiding spot.

Zane: Okay.

They both got up and Nick just look at them.

Zane: Hi! I'm Zane. What's your name?

Nick: Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD. So, who can't keep it in their pants?

Tony: Uh.. Excuse you, but that's my nephew you're talking about.

Nick: Fill me up on it later. For now, get yourself cleaned up. You guys behaved like kids when you're heroes.

Tony: But we still got our job done.

Nick: Keep your sass to yourself. Now go. We will have a meeting in 30 minutes.

Everyone except Zane, Peter and Nick left the scene. That place looked like it's thrashed by a pack of raccoons.

Nick: Hah~. This will take a while to clean...

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now