Chapter Eleven

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We're back to the living room, baby! Anyways, I don't know if I'm going to add some romance in this shit. Like I said, this story is spontaneous. I'm shocked that people still read this😂. Enjoy your read guys! - Zane


~Y/n pov~

Silent was spread across the living room. Wanda wiped some tears that came out. She got up and look at Bruce.

Wanda: Uhh.. Bruce. Where did you put his bag?

Bruce: Uhh.. yeah, it's in the ward he was in, at one of the corner.

Wanda: T-thanks...

She walks away and the room was silent again. Steve was the one to break the silent.

Steve: So, any idea why he was searching for a 'Stark' ?

Me: I don't know.. Do you know anything, dad?

Tony: I might or might not know. But... I can't seem to ring any bell.

Clint: Right...

Tony: Jarvis, tell me Zane's full name.

Jarvis: It's Zane Morven Ford, sir. Her mother's name is Lana Ford.

Tony clasped his hand to his mouth. He looks shocked.

Me: Dad?

Tony: No way...

Me: Why? What's wrong?

Tony: Y/n... He just might be your cousin...

Everyone: WHAT?!!

Sam: Wait, this doesn't make any sense!! How is he related to both of you?

Everyone look at Tony, waiting for answers. Well, except for me. I know about this all too well.

Tony: Well, I once had a brother. But he died a few years back. Now that I look back, he was dating a girl named Lana. I don't remember her last name. I guess that's why it doesn't ring any bell earlier.

The whole room fell into shock except for me and my dad. He always told me about my uncle since I was a child. His name was Robert Morven Stark. I guess that kid got the same middle name.

Nat: Okay... So why does he have powers?

Tony: I'm not sure...

Steve: I think he might got it from his mother. She used powers in his memories.

Bucky: I was wondering, why did the kid got tracked by someone?

Nat: I was thinking the same. He does have some powers but there are still many people out there they can track.

Clint: It was as if they have been targeting that family for a long time.

Nat: Tony, what was his profession?

Me: He was a scientist. A genius like Tony.

Tony: He used to do interesting stuff with his partner, but one day he disappeared... His partner doesn't know anything about it. We searched for him... Then, the next thing we knew, he was... gone...

Dad look as if he was crushed, trying to suppress his sadness.

Me: I think we should continue this tomorrow. We all need some rest after all that happened.

Everyone nodded and scurried along towards their respective rooms. I bump into Wanda when I enter the elevator.

' Going to your room?' I asked.

' Yeah. He needs his stuff.' She gestured to the backpack she's holding. She smiled softly, with a hint of sadness.

' Can I... come with you?' I asked.

She just nodded.


The elevator stop.


When we enter the room, Zane was sleeping on the sofa, curled up like a baby. Wanda tuck him in the bed with extra care. I look at Zane.

' To think that he's my cousin. I only got to see my uncle for a few times since he was busy. When I look back, he does look a bit like Uncle Robert.'

' Would you like some tea?'

' Sure. Thanks, Wanda.' I responded.

Wanda walk out and leave me alone.

' He's so thin and small compared to the peers around his age. I should mae sure he eats well in the future.'

I look at his backpack. I open it and find an album. The cover is stunning and calming to look at. When I open it, I saw a picture of him and his mother during his birthday.

I turn the pages and look at a few more pictures of him and his mother.

' She is a beauty. I guess he got his beauty from his mom.'

When I reach the last picture in the album, my heart throbbed. It is the picture of my uncle holding a baby. Zane's mother is on the hospital bed in the same picture. I look at the caption wrote on the picture.

' I never knew that would be the last time me and our baby would see him...'

I stunned. The small suspicion I had towards the whole 'cousin theory' was pushed out of the window. Now it was confirmed that he is, indeed, my cousin.

I noticed a paper slightly hidden at the back of the book. It was a children's drawing.

' Maybe something he keeps with him since he was a child?' I thought to myself.

Just then, Wanda comes in, bringing two cups of tea with her.

' What are you looking at?'

' An album of my little cousin with his mom.'

' Can I look at it too?'

' Here you go. I'm already done.' I said as I passed it to Wanda.

I look back at Zane. He seems to have relax during his sleep. He was so tense during the discussion.

' I wonder if he can accept the fact that we're cousins. Will he be happy? Or will hatred paint his small face?'

I was lost in my thoughts as I finish my drink. The silent in the room felt peaceful and serene.

Wanda take our cups after she's done looking at the album and go out. I kept on looking at Zane small stature, looking so vulnerable.

I could feel the time ticking slowly, as if giving me a moment to be with him as a family to make up for the times we lost. Without me realizing, I fell asleep on a sofa next to the bed...

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now