Chapter Six

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* insert time lapse sound *
Nah~ jk. We're back in the past y'all! Btw, I'm five here -Zane

-Part 1 of the backstory.


~Zane pov~

The apartment door opened. Mom comes in after working for a half day.

I run towards mom to greet her.

' Welcome home, mom!' I giggled.

She smiled.

' I'm back. Have you been a good boy, Zane?'

' Yeah!' I replied. ' I was drawing in my room after I read a book!'

She ruffled my hair and took off her coat, hanging it. She put her bag on the coffee table.

' What story did you read today?' she asked as she went to the kitchen. With a snap of her finger, the stove is on and the ingredients she needs is on the counter next to her.

' I read about a girl that hid from her family to be with the guy she loved. The one you read to me every night.'

She paused for a while but proceed to cook dinner again.

' You really like the story, huh?' she chuckled.

' Yep! She's cool and kind. I like her.' I replied.

' Well, if you only like her, that's not enough. You gotta love her, my dear.' she said after turning around to face me with her hand on her waist.

Looking puzzled, I asked ' Why?'.

' Because that girl is your mom. You don't love your mom?' she responded.

' Whoa! You're the girl in the story?! I love you even more!!' I screamed in excitement. I, then hugged her before making my way to my room.

' Mom, I'll be back in a minute!'

I could hear her faint grin in the distance before she continued to prepare dinner.

As I reached my room, I quickly grab my pencil and proceed to draw my mother in a beautiful dress as if she's in the story. She have magic in her hand and the background was filled with greeneries on one side and a dragon on the other, indicating that it's the bad guy. I put a guy next to mom and had a tiara on for her as she is the queen of my life. I filled in the colours.

When I'm done, I rushed out into the kitchen and saw that she was finished cooking dinner. I saw a mac 'n' cheese
was served on the table. She saw me walking towards her with a paper on my hand. I hugged her and she picked me up.

'What's that in your hand?' she inquired.

I smirked. ' TA-DAA! I drew you! Do you like it?' I asked as I handed her the paper.

She smiled softly and kissed me on my forehead. ' Of course, Zane. Love you, sweetheart.'

' I love you too, mom.' I smiled like a crazy person.

She hanged it on the fridge door and sat next to me.


~8 years later~

Mom woke me up as per usual so that I can send her off to work. She kissed my forehead before saying the words she would always say;

' Don't go out and keep the home clean. In a case you are outside, don't show your powers to strangers. Take care. I love you, Zane.'

I always responded with a sleepy, ' I love you too, mom.'

She hugged me before she went out of my room.

I wished I hugged her longer that day...


When nighttime arrived but, mom didn't show up. I was confused. She have had a few overtime at work sometimes but it was never this late.

' Maybe she forgot to tell me,' I thought.

I proceed to search for something to eat as a dinner. Once I finished my meal, I at the ingredients left as we would always go to the supermarket during weekends. I've always keep track on what to buy so we didn't waste any money.

I went to sleep, hoping to see my mom the next morning as I always do. But, she didn't woke me up at all. I searched the unit, but she was nowhere to be seen.

For three days, I followed the routine, but she wasn't there.

On the fourth day, the owner came. She demanded for the rent that instant. But since my mom wasn't home and I had no money on me, she gave me until the sunset to leave the house. I felt devastated. When the owner leave, I went into my mother's room.

I walked through the room and search anything I can keep with me as a memento. I found a few pics of her and me and a few cash that can help me get meals for a few days. I took one of the backpack I found in her room. I grabbed a few changes of clothes and a blanket my mom bought for me. During the final hour, I finally let go of the tears I've held back as I grabbed the food that's left in the kitchen. I glanced at the stuff me and my mom put up at the fridge door. I saw the old drawing I made and decided to bring it along.

The owner came just as I zipped my bag and sling it to my shoulder.

' Thank you for letting me stay.' I said and left.


I found an alley that I was able to turn into a shelter with a few tweaks. I stayed there for the night. My mind wandered to the recent events. Without me knowing, I already sobbed uncontrollably at the thought of my mom.

'I miss you. Where are you, mom?'

I cried myself to sleep as I clenched to my backpack.

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now