Chapter Two

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~Y/n pov~

We rushed towards the source of the sound and arrived at a storeroom. I tried to open the door, but it's locked.

Me: Wanda, could you do the honor?

Wanda: You got it.

Wanda used her power to unlock the door and open it in a split second. What we saw next left us speechless...

~Zane pov~

The guy went out and left me alone in here. I was in a daze of what is happening...

' ...toilet...'

I braced myself with every strength I have left and walk out of the room in search of one. After a few step out of the room, I found one just around the corner.

' Lucky me, it's near to my room.'

I finished my business and wash my hands. Out of the blue, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a huge silhouette behind me...

???: You are quite goodlooking for a boy.

Me: Wha-?!

Just as I was about to run, he grabbed me and shut my mouth. I struggled with all my might, but to no avail. He dragged me into an abandoned looking storeroom.

As he tried to lock the door, his other hand which was on my mouth had slipped. I let out the most loud scream I can managed to let out, considering my condition. He taped my mouth after that and pinned me down.

' Shit! I don't want this!'

I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. The guy tried to take off my pants but I kept kicking him, putting on a fight.

' Someone, help me! I don't care who it is, please... Help me!!'

Suddenly, the door made a sound, as if someone pried it open. The door slammed. There, stood two women and one of them had some kind of red light on her hands.

The guy on top of me flew to the other side and passed out. My body shivered badly and my clothes are disheveled.

Woman 1: Wanda, call the guards and bring that perpetrator to the cell. I'll handle the kid.

Woman 2: Got it!

The woman approach me in a gentle manner.

Woman 1: Are you alright? Can you move?

' Am I safe now?'

Woman 1: Hey, talk to me.

Her voice fading away. My body gave out completely and my sight slowly turned pitch black.

~Y/n pov~

' Shit! The kid passed out. Why is he out of the room?'

I piggyback him towards the room when I meet Bruce in the corridor.

Bruce: What happened? Why is he knocked out?

Bruce took the kid from me and I took the snacks from him.

Me: Something crappy happened to him while you were out... I'll explain to you later when Wanda's back.

We enter the room and Bruce lay him on the bed. Bruce examine his body for any injuries.

Me: Nothing life threatening, right?

Bruce: Just some new bruises, luckily no internal bleeding.

Wanda enters the room.

Me: Is he incarcerated?

Wanda: To the point he have no means to escape.

Me: Good. Thanks, Wanda.

Wanda: He deserves it.

Bruce: Care to put me in the same page?

Me: In short, when we came down, the kid got assaulted by one of the employ-... Batshit pervert ex- employee.

Bruce pinched his forehead.

Bruce: We have that kind of worker here? Have they multiplied throughout the years or something?

Me: How am I supposed to know? Luckily Wanda was there. If not, he'd be finished.

Wanda: Yeah, the door was locked. You know how sturdy the locks are in this tower, even for an abandoned storage room.

I look at the kid. Strange enough, my heart was filled with mixed feelings. How do you say it... Like someone you haven't seen for a long time... I went to stay at the side of his bed.

Wanda: So, what do we do now?

Bruce: We need to wait for him to wake up. He's malnourished.

The boy, who was breathing fine, suddenly hyperventilating, crying in desperation.

Wanda: Bruce! Do something!

Bruce panicking really bad that he almost dropped the tablet.

Bruce: U-um... Wait... Uhh..

I heard the kid whispering some words, so I lean in.

Zane: M-Mom!... I'm... scared...

He was gasping for air as he muttered. I look at him feeling pained. I hold his hand and stroke his head lightly.

Me: You'll be fine, I'm here with you... Don't worry... It's okay... (whisper)

He stopped hyperventilating. The tension in his body disappeared.

Bruce and Wanda look at me.

Me: What?

Wanda: Wow~ You're more useful than Bruce.

Me: Well, rather than being a bunch of fools, doing nothing, at least doing something helped. No offense, Bruce. You've been helpful thus far.

Bruce: No offense taken.

Wanda: Wha-?! You just said that I was useful and now you're implying that I'm not?! You're mean!

Me: Take it or leave it, Wanda. (Rolling my eyes)

°~Thanks for reading~°

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