Chapter Three

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I sometimes forgot to put trigger warning, sooo... Yeah, you've been warned after two chapters in... Sorry😐 ~ Zane


~An hour later~

~Y/n pov~

He doesn't let go of my hand so I stayed by his side for a while.

Bruce: It seems that the others have gotten back from their mission. Do you think we should settle the explaining part now?

I look at the clock and it's already lunch. I think about it for a second.

Me: They might be tired right now. Let's wait until the sun sets.

Bruce: Sure. Just so you know, I'm on your side.

I look at Bruce, slowly smiling at him.

Me: Thanks, Bruce. It means a lot.

I felt the kid's hand flinched a little. I turn towards the thin boy. He slowly open his eyes.

Zane: * grunts *

The kid look at me in confusion.

Me: How are you feeling?

Bruce hand out a glass of water for the boy. I let go of his hand and help him to switch into a slightly sitting position. He received the glass and drink it without hesitation.

' This guy doesn't suspect a thing, huh? I wonder if he ever thought that we might poison him..'

Zane: I'm tired...

Me: That's understandable. But, you need to eat something.

On cue, Bruce grab a pack of Kit Kat bites and hand it to him. He look at the package, as if contemplating whether he should receive our gesture of kindness or not.

Zane: I... can have this?

Bruce: Yeah. It's no big deal. Once you're well-rested, we'll let you go back home.

Zane: ... I... don't have a home...

I look at Bruce. I can see that he felt guilty of what he said.

Bruce: I-I see... S-sorry

Zane: It's okay...


~Zane pov~

I tried to open the packet slowly, but to my surprise, it burst open. Some of the chocolates even flew out of the bag. I was so shocked that I was flung backwards.

I look up. Everyone in the room look at me in awe.

Me: Uuh... S-sorry about that... I'll clean it up later..

I laughed awkwardly. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I was flustered in front of them.

Suddenly, I heard them snickered a little. I flushed even more.

Me: Ugh...

Woman 1: It's fine, don't fret about it. Eat before you faint again.

I proceed to eat it one by one and converse with them.

Man: So, do you know where you are, Zane?

I gave him the same answer as before.

Woman 2: Well, you are in one of the wards in Stark Tower. I'm Wanda, Wanda Maximoff. Nice to meet you, Zane.

I gave her a little nod as I reply, " The pleasure's all mine."

Woman 1: Call me Y/n, the second 'Stark' in this building.

I nod to her.

Man: Dr. Bruce Banner. You can call me Bruce.

I give him a little nod.

Me: I'm Zane Ford. Y-you can call me Zane. Thank you for saving me earlier.

Suddenly the air in the room feel tense. I look at their expressions and it was all painted with pain and empathy.

Me: D-did I say something w-wrong?


~Bruce pov~

Me: No, you didn't.

Just as I said that, my phone rings. I look at the caller's id.

Me: Y/n. It's your father. Should I put it on a loudspeaker?

Y/n: Sure.

I answered the phone and hit the loudspeaker.

Tony: Bruce, I heard the news. What's the update?

Y/n: Just come with the others and we'll explain. We'll meet you guys in the living room.

Tony: Y/n? You're there too? I guess we'll meet you there in a couple minutes.

Me: Yeah, see you guys soon.

He hung up the phone. I look at Wanda and Zane.

Y/n: Wanda, can you stay with Zane? I don't want him to get hurt again. We'll be back.

Wanda: Sure. Catch you later!

Y/n: Let's go, Bruce.

Me: Right.

We got out of the room.


~Zane pov~

I continue to munch on the chocolate bites but then got uncomfortable as Wanda stared at me for a long time.

Me: Uuh... Do you want some?

Wanda: Sure!

She scoots over and sit next to me. I handed her the packet.

Wanda: So, how old are you?

Me: 13

Wanda: What do you do in your free time?

I thought over it for a second.

Me: I used to draw and sing for my mother when she get back home. I want to make her happy because she's the only one I have. But one day she disappeared.

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ