Chapter Fourteen

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~Y/n pov~

Me and Wanda was preparing dinner for everyone when Tony slammed the door of the living room.

Wanda: Tony! Don't slam the door!

Tony: I slam whatever I want! Anyways! Guess what?

Me: What?

Tony: Our kiddo here is a genius like us, Y/n!

He raised Zane as if the scene of simba being held by the monkey in the lion king is repeated right here, right now.

Me: Really?

Tony: Yeah! He might even surpass me!

Me: * Gasp * Oh my god! Am I imagining things or did Tony admit that someone is more intelligent than him?! Wanda, am I dreaming?!

Wanda: No, we're not dreaming! Oh my god!

Tony: Hey! I am a genius, okay!

Me: Yeah, an egoistical genius. Now put Zane down. It's uncomfortable.

Tony: Okay...

Zane was put on one of the chair near the counter. He watches us cooking some Mac and cheese.

Tony: By the way, he solved the internship test in twenty minutes and got all correct.

Bruce: SAY WHAT NOW??!

Bruce, who had been chilling on the couch, suddenly jumps at the statement Tony said.

Tony: Here, Bruce. It's the proof.

He hands Bruce the paper with a neat yet childish scribbles on it. We ignored the talk that's going on between Tony and Bruce.

Me: So, Zane. How was your tour?

Zane: It was fun! Especially in the lab. I got to answer some interesting questions. I also helped uncle today!

Me: That's good to hear. Anyways, we have a friend that just got back today.

Zane: A friend?

Me: Yeah, he lives in a far place called Asgard.

Zane: I know Asgard! I want to go there. Mom said it is a beautiful place!

Me: She's been there?

Zane: Yeah! She said she was banished though.

Me: I see. Well, he's a prince there and he will join us for dinner. He might be a bit loud but he's a kind person. Don't hate him, okay?

Zane: Okay!

Me: Good boy. Here have a marshmallow.

I feed it into his mouth. His eyes sparkle as he chew.

Zane: Can I have one more?

Me: Sure.

I pop another marshmallow into his mouth.

Me: I'll give you more later, okay?

Zane: Okay!

I ruffled his hair. Then, Tony join him at the counter. I just hear them talk to each other. Nothing in particular, just random nonsense that Tony ask him.


Everyone gather into the room for dinner. Tony helped Zane to adjust his seat since the table was quite high. We are waiting for Thor so we can start eating together.


Thor: Hello, Mates!

Me: About time, Thor. Take a seat.

Tony: Hey, point break. Meet our new family!

Thor: Hello, young one. I'm Thor, God of Thunder.

Zane: Hi! I'm Zane Ford. Nice to meet you.

Thor: You look familiar..

Zane: Maybe you might have seen my mom when she was in Asgard?

Thor: Your mother is an Asgardian?

Zane: She was banished. But she said Asgard is a beautiful place.

Thor: What's her name?

Zane: Lana Ford.

Thor's face turned quite pale.

Me: What's the matter, Thor?

Thor: The Goddess of Elements... She was The Goddess of Elements... My sister from another mother...

Zane: She was a princess too?

Thor: Yeah... Do you have her picture?

Wanda used her power to take the album from the table.

Wanda: Zane have this album with him when he came here. You can look at it.

Thor opened the album and cried.

' So many people cried because of the album now.'

Thor: This is her... I've been looking for her for a long time...

Wanda: Thor, do you mind if we step outside for a while?

Thor was silent but he followed Wanda out of the room.

Me: Well, since the food are ready, let's dig in! It won't taste the best if it's cold.


~Wanda pov~

When we are out of the room, I look at Thor.

Me: Hey, Thor. This might get you sad, but I need to show you something.

I showed him pieces of Zane's memories; what happened to his mother, what he's been through and that people are after his family.

Thor: What did you show me?

Me: Zane's memories. He suddenly collapsed in front of the tower and Bruce take him in under Y/n's order. All we know is that he was in constant danger and he's looking for her mother, Lana Ford.

Thor: So, Zane is my sister's son? And my sister disappeared?

Me: Yeah.

Thor: I see... He got her eyes... A peaceful green... How old is he?

Me: He's 13. We want to keep him here to protect him from whoever that tracked him throughout the years.

Thor: I agree to your decision. He deserve to be happy here.

Thor wiped all his tears and close the album.

Thor: That was unsightly. Let's go back in!

I smiled.

Me: Now that's the Thor I know!

We both got in and saw that everyone has already started eating dinner without us.

Thor: Hey! You should have wait for your prince!

Tony: And let this baby starve? Nuh-uh!

Tony said as he gestured towards Zane, who's face full of marshmallow. His cheek looks chubby just by having two marshmallow.

Thor: Fine... I only let this go since he's a prince too!

Tony: Cool! We can use Zane as the reason after this!

Nat: WhY aRe YoU EaTiNg WiThOuT mE?

Bucky: CuZ Zane Is HuNGrY!

Everyone laughed so hard. Dinner had a nice feeling throughout the atmosphere...

°~Thanks for reading~°

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