Big Brother, Protector, Kaz Brekker

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Kaz walked down the street with his crows following him.

He finally got the chance to meet who has been taking almost half of the houses and business he's looked into.

Every time for the last two weeks, he's tried to plan a heist, he can't because the house has already been robbed. No trace of who left behind.

Now, today was the day he was going to deal with the man behind it all.

Once they all turned the corner they saw a group of kids, all around the ages of twelve to fifteen.

With slightly widened eyes he turned around and shared a look with Jesper.

Walking forward he spoke up, "What are you kids doing here?"

A few of the older ones laughed, "Well, Mr. Brekker, you aren't that much older than us yourself, now are you?"

A young girl stepped forward, dressed in all black with rips in her pants, finger-less gloves and hair in a tight high ponytail. She looked much older than she probably was.

"Who are you?" Kaz straightened himself up.

Y/N chuckled, "You'd think you would at least know who you scheduled a meeting with."

She shared a smile with a tall boy next to her before looking back to him with a smirk.

"But you're just kids!" Jesper waved his hands about, pointing to her gang.

"Well, we're older than Kaz when he first started out."

Kaz finally shook off his shock and spoke up, "How do you know so much about me?"

Y/N smirks and leans forward slightly with her arms crossed over her chest, "You have to know your competition don't you Mr. Brekker?"

Kaz lifted an eyebrow, surprised that this girl knew how to get around Ketterdam and handle herself.

He smirked to himself, she reminded him of himself when he was younger. "What's your name kid?"


It's been almost a year since Y/N and Kaz finally met.

Since then they've helped each other in almost everything. Both gangs loved hanging out with each other.

Y/N and Kaz hung out a lot, him teaching her everything she needs to know about anything.

He taught her how to pick locks, how to steal a wallet without them knowing, and how to make someone spill their secrets without making them feel like they were being interrogated.

Y/N found herself looking up to Kaz like a big brother. She never had any siblings and her parents died when she was really young.

So when she got to know Kaz Brekker she found herself drawn to him.

She went to him for comfort, advice and protection from herself.

Not only did she rely on him but she felt like she needed to do everything in her power to protect him as well.

Obviously her gang came first. They were her first family in Ketterdam, they were her siblings.

But no relationship between anyone in her gang could compare to her's and Kaz's.

Tony walked into Y/N's room, "I got news that Brekker's heist didn't go as planned. They weren't able to get what they were looking for."

Y/N smirked to herself, "Okay, let's get going."


Walking into the Crow Club with a few from her gang, Y/N said her 'hello's and headed up to Kaz's office.

She knocked twice before opening the door, "I heard your plans went up the wall. What happened?"

Kaz sighed and ran his glove-less hands through his hair, "Everything that could go wrong happened."

He looked up and saw a brown bag in her hands, "What's in the bag?"

Y/N couldn't hide her smile, she was pretty proud of herself. "Oh, this old thing? Nothing..."

She tossed him the bag, "Open it."

He looked at her suspiciously before slowly opening the bag, "You..."

He cautiously pulled out the jewels he was after just earlier that night. "How...?"

She smiled, "I heard your heist didn't go as planned, sooo, I went back to get it for you."

He stared at her with wide eyes, "You say that like it's the easiest thing in the world. How did you do it?"

She sat down in the chair in front of his desk, "Well, you taught me almost everything I know..."

The look in his eyes changed. Pride. He was so proud of her. He scoffed, "You knew plenty before I came along, I just cleaned you up a bit."

She shrugged, "Always so humble."

He laughed and looked back down at the jewels in front of him.

Picking up a simple necklace, a chain with a single diamond, he handed it to her.

She looked at him in question, "What's that for?"

He smirked, "You think I would forget your birthday? I remember everything. Yesterday was your birthday. Consider this... a birthday present."

She sighed and rolled her eyes but took it nonetheless. "Thanks Kaz."

He smiled at her. They shared a look, an unspoken agreement of how they see each other.


Not by blood, but that didn't matter.

She was his little sister, his trouble maker.

He was her big brother, her protector.

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