The Worst

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Mercedes Wilson

I can't believe that he straight dumped me, kicked me to the curve, like I was just some other bitch to him when I told myself time and time again that he wasn't a good man. That I wasn't going to mess with no celebrity, that I would stay away from him. But he just kept coming to my job, kept trying to get my attention, kept on pressuring me to go out with him. I kept up a guard for so long, I'm beating myself up for giving into him when I should've just kept ignoring him. 5 months I gave this dummy everything, 5 months I tried to ignore the fact that he kept calling me Aaliyah while we were having sex, 5 months I tried to act like I didn't love him when he had some type of hold on me. I knew he wasn't over her, I knew that he saw her in me, I knew that being in L.A. I would eventually get caught up in this stupid shit. Its so many celebrities that I could've dealt with but I chose him out of all people. I don't know why I let my cousin Sinko convince me into going to his birthday party, when I should've been studying for my exams. I don't hate him for me involving myself with that dummy but my gut told me just stay home and my mind was saying go have some fun. Its not my fault that we some what look alike, its not my fault that my mom went with that sperm donor.  

When me and my cousin Gabby aka H.E.R. saw him and we both called him, she started asking me a series of questions that at first I didn't want to answer but did anyway. Once I told her everything she comforted me and saw the hurt in my face and told me not to contact him again, even though they were friends she just said she'll stay away from him unless it was for business. I love the fact that she has my back but how can I not think of him when he was the void in my heart that I didn't know I needed, no wonder why every woman that dated him hates him. Shit I wish I never met him, L.A. must be small huh? Anyways I'm not letting him stop me from living my life because he ain't God. I was pulling up to my first job, I have two jobs Security at night and Starbucks in the mornings. People were surrounding my car with cameras. Wow is this what it looks like to have paparazzi follow you just because you were connected to a celebrity? I stepped out the car and was about to put my middle fingers up until my co worker Jabari came guarding me and guiding me into the store.

"Thank you Jay"-I said smiling and thanking him

"No problem but you need to just leave him alone"-He said walking away

"He left me"-I whispered yelled

"You said what?"-Jabari

"Nothing"-I said walking to the back to clock in

Jabari was right behind me and pulled me in the employees lounge then looked me deep into my eyes.

"What's up Jay?"-I said concerned

"What's up is I'm tired you denying me just to be with him knowing he don't even care about you like I do, I'm tired of waiting for you when I could be with somebody else that's going notice me and be with me when I want them. I'm tired of seeing you hurt every time he cancels on you. I heard you when you said he left you, I told you eventually it was going to happen and you didn't listen. I been here for 5 years waiting for you and he was with you for 5 months, honestly I can't even look at you no more knowing that you would never love me like you did him. So I just want you to know that this my last day here."-Jabari

"I'm sorry Jay, how could you not tell me that you had feelings for me when we been inseparable since we were 20. How was I supposed to know that you wanted me when you never even showed me, I could've avoided him but I was too stubborn to listen to you when you told me not to go to that party. How was I supposed to know you was waiting for me? I can't read minds, your last day here? What do you mean?"-I said grabbing him but he pushed me away

"Because you was so wrapped up in him, so oblivious to seeing what was right in front of you, you was so dumb to see that everything I done was for you. Why you think I changed all my classes to every class you had, I carried all your books, nursed you back to health when you was sick with the flu, brought you flowers everyday, prepared you for exams that we was supposed to study together, even got Professor James to let you do the exam you missed over. Carried you all the way across campus to your room when you fell asleep at the library or how I skipped out on dates with women I should've gave attention to more instead of trying to pursue you. I was stuck up on you that I was lovesick for nothing, to dumb to see that you ain't give a fuck about me. Yeah my last day here in L.A. I'm moving back to Atlanta so it was nice knowing you before you became somebody I don't even know no more. I hope that you have a great life and can focus back on yourself instead of somebody else. Its going hurt me to leave like this but its best that I go so my heart won't keep breaking. I'll always love you Mi-mi "-He said kissing my forehead and walking out

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