Single AF

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"I tested my patience, confronted my fears, and finally faced them, now I can say I'm, I'm good on my own"-Foushee (Single AF)

I woke up to my phone going off like crazy, my mind racing a mile a minute, head pounding. God why did I drink so much last night? Like he's the only man in the world, I lost myself because of him. My whole life revolved around him, I gave up my career, my friends, neglected my own family. They told me time and time again that he was no good for me, but I didn't listen. Even Trey warned me and they have been friends for years, he knows everything that goes down, my heart was invested in that relationship and my mind was gone. What is love? I have been stupid for 5 damn years, I need a self care day. Only friend I have right now is Gianna, she has a boyfriend and I don't want to bother her. Oh well guess its just me today, no work just me and getting myself back on the right track spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. I threw on some yoga clothes and connected myself to virtual class with my yoga instructor Sabine, I haven't been in class in years. So why not get some stress off of my shoulders and mind? 

"Good morning class, namaste my loves."-Sabine

"Namaste mi amor"-Aaliyah

"Welcome back Liyah, my beauty! We've missed you here, glad you have joined in. "-Sabine

"Glad to be back spiritually, I have missed you guys dearly"-Aaliyah

"Now lets begin, would you like to lead us like old times, sweets"-Sabine

"Of course"-Aaliyah 

I laid down my mat did a few stretches and started doing a few yoga poses, man my body felt so at ease, my mind was free of any negative thoughts, my emotions were calm, physically I felt so peaceful and slowly but surely I would be back to myself. 

"That's all for today my loves, namaste"-Sabine

"Namaste thank you for having me"-Aaliyah

"Thank you for coming lovely"-Sabine

I clicked offline and went to take quick shower, thank god for yoga. I got dressed in my brown dress from Fashion Nova with a long slit up my left thigh, v cut neck line, nude sandal heels, light make up, and my hair curled. I'm not going let this lifestyle get the best of me no more, its time I find me again. I grabbed my keys, phone, and walked outside with my head held high. Might as well go shopping, retail therapy, why not? I haven't been out in three days, I took a deep breath, walked out the lobby and hit the button to my baby Black Ice. I slowly crossed the street to see Chris fine but lying, cheating ass leaning against his car. God what does he want?

"Can I help you with something?"-Aaliyah

"I know I'm the last person you least except to see but I just need to apologize to you"-Chris

"You've done that enough but I can say that in due time I will forgive you that's the only way for me to be at peace with myself and have peace within myself you know? But you take care okay? I have important things to do"-I said easing into my truck

"I'll always love you dimples"-He said when I closed the door

God help me, I don't feel like crying I have honestly cried for three days and I feel like for once I am all cried out. I bet someone caught us talking and going to run with it, but who cares maybe I needed some type of closure. I think he actually meant this time that he felt the need to apologize but why now? I drove off leaving him standing there near his car and smiled. No matter how much he's a good for nothing ass guy, he's still fine as hell. No matter how fine a man is you don't deserve to keep taking his shit, standing by his side after he done humiliated you time and time again, we women have a breaking point. I arrived at the mall and took another deep breath, god save me the trouble of running into anyone else I don't want to see. I walked into the mall and stepped into Bath & Body Works to stack back up on my smell goods since I left most of it at Chris's house. 

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