Keep The Family Close

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Trey Songz

I wasn't trying to get in between none of the relationship problems that Breezy had with my sister, let alone Aug telling me to stop him from talking to my sister. Yeah they had a past but it wasn't my place or chose to make a decision for her, he told her to leave Atlanta and never look back but who knew she would fall for one of our brothers. Aaliyah is an adult whatever she decides is on her own, I mean I did hate to see her get hurt and cheated on but what could I do? I warned her plenty of times that even though Breezy my brother he wasn't the right one for her. I saw daily how he treated women and I just wish that my sister never got in the mix, he was supposed to protect her, love her and never disrespect her. But everybody don't always keep their promises, maybe I should've stepped in and told Breezy that she was off limits then maybe she wouldn't have went through all of that. I feel like she stopped talking to me because I never stepped into protect her, like I failed as a brother, when a brother supposed to always protect their sister no matter what. Its just I have a life of my own, a son, a career to do, I didn't have time for her. I was praying that Aaliyah left him though, hoping that she finally came to her senses. When she did, I didn't even notice that she got back right with Aug, I mean I'm cool with it because one she's happy and two I know for sure she's in the right hands. Back then they were inseparable he kept her safe, protected, and I had nothing to worry about so I don't have nothing to worry about now. Today was Noah's second birthday and I wanted to invite her, we need to be right with each other again and she have to meet her nephew. I was staring at her number in my phone when my mom sat next to me. 

"What's wrong baby?"-April

"I'm debating whether I should call Aaliyah, I think she hates me"-Trey

"Why would she hate you?"-April

"Because I should have protected her from Chris, I failed as a brother. I know better than that"-Trey

"You can't protect everyone from anything or anybody, you know that and people make mistakes that they have to learn from themselves. She's a grown woman and made her own decisions, she also knows whos the right one for her because look how happy she is now. Not one bad thing has been mentioned about her but supposedly Aug took her from Chris or how she was "cheating". She knows you meant well when you warned her but she's in love now, just call her I'm sure she'll be happy to hear from you."-April

"Yeah you're right"-Trey

"Aren't I always?"-She said smiling

"Yeah, yeah thanks ma"-Trey

"Of course"-She said walking outside

I hit the call button and she instantly answered, its now or never.


"Hey what's up?"-Trey

"Nothing about to go to the market, what's up?"-Aaliyah

"Today is Noah's birthday, I was trying see if you could come over and celebrate with us. Meet ya nephew for the first time, bring Aug with you and the puppy. I really need to talk to you in person too"-Trey

"Sure I can't wait to meet him he's so adorable, just send the address we'll be over in a few. Yeah you're right see you soon."-Aaliyah

"Aight cool, see you"-I said hanging up

Well that turned out better than I expected it to, I sent the address through text, and went back outside to set up the rest of the party with Caro my fine ass baby momma. Not going lie she nice to look at but I'm at a place where my son only matters right now, I rather be a single father. I hope Aaliyah does come here so we can get somethings off our minds, I know she probably do hate me but maybe she don't. I'm glad she's happy though even if its with one of my brothers.

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