Part 1

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The rest of the homeroom was left free for us to discuss. As usual, Horikita and Yousuke assumed the center stage.

"There are many concerns that you may all have but let us discuss the main issue first. Putting aside the privilege part, we have to clear the threshold of 250 class average first. There are many who will have no difficulty clearing that but there are also many who will have a lot of problems dealing with that. To that end, I would like to hold a study session for those who are academically inept. I will like the people whose names I call to join this study session. Sudou-kun, Ike-kun,.." Horikita then went on to call the names of the students who were sure to have difficulty clearing that 200 marks threshold.

"That's it. If there is anyone who wants to join the session, they can raise their hand."


A girl from the front seat raised her hands. "Karuizawa-san? I am sure I have included your name."

"I know that. Actually, I don't want to participate in the study session."

"Huh? Why?"

"It may sound like I am bragging or something but in the study session, you will generally cover general problems to help them cross 200 marks. But this time I want to score more than that and that is why I don't want to waste time learning things I already know. Not to mention, it will also reduce the number of students you will have to look after, wouldn't it?"

Many were probably not happy with the way she talked and phrased it but it was a sound argument. If Kei were to increase her score it will also improve the class average.

Horikita glared at me for a moment before replying to Kei. "I understand. If you say you can handle this on your own, then I have got no objections. But I hope you know that if you were to fail, you are going to deal damage to the whole class. Can you take responsibility and say that you won't fail?"

It felt that the question was directed more towards me than Kei.

"I-I understand. I take full responsibility." Kei was overwhelmed by the sudden pressure and weight that Horikita's question had on it. But she didn't falter and replied strongly.

"I see." Horikita then turned her attention towards Akito and the others of the Ayanokoji group. "As for you guys, I hope I don't need to worry."

"Yupp. Yupp. There's no need to worry. I will make sure that my cute Airi-chan clears the exam with flying colors!"

That remark from Haruka earned some laughs from the classmates and Airi's face flushed the slightest bit of red.

"Then that's settled. I would like to start the study session from today. I hope you will all participate."

"Horikita-san, I and Kushida-san will be there to help you guys," Yousuke added. "We should probably choose the subjects right away so it will be easier for us. And for that, I would like to hear everyone's opinions."

"Maths is out."

"Yupp. It is out of my league!"

"I suck at Japanese literature."

"Chemistry will probably fry my brain. No, it most certainly will!"

All sorts of voices could be heard. There are different students who are good and bad at different subjects. It would be difficult to choose while satisfying everyone.

"It would be pretty difficult to take into consideration and satisfy everyone's need so the best we can do is choose the four mandatory subjects," Yousuke said after pondering for a while.

Classroom of the Elite Final Year Volume 11Where stories live. Discover now