Part 1

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It was about past seven into the night. I suddenly felt like having a drink.

I went to the vending machine and grabbed a cola drink. After finishing the drink I decided to stroll around and sat after finding a good bench.

"Hmm? Sakayanagi?"

"Oh my, Ayanokoji-kun? What are you doing this late?"

"I just felt like having a drink and came."

I looked around but didn't see Kamuro.

"Do you think that Kamuro-san is always with me?"

"Not just me but pretty much everyone in this school thinks that way."

It was an established rule in this school that wherever Sakayanagi went she would always be accompanied by Kamuro.

"I see. But there are definitely times when I am alone. Take today for example."

It would be impossible for Kamuro to accompany her wherever she went. And although Kamuro had said that Sakayanagi had forced her to be her entourage I think she is now following her on her own accord. She is aiding and running errands for her willingly. I wonder what sparked that change in her heart.

Sakayanagi's shoulders were slumped lower than usual. I looked at her free hand and found that her hand wasn't free at all. With one hand, she was holding her cane and with the other, she was holding two grocery bags.

Noticing me observing the grocery bags in her hand, she lifted her hand slightly, "I just went to buy some ingredients for dinner."

"You are going to cook yourself?"

"Of course I am. Or do you doubt my cooking?"

She said with an imposing smile.

"It's not that I doubt or anything. I have never seen you carry ingredients for dinner or something before. That's why I was a bit shocked." And will she be okay cooking by herself? She was physically impaired and standing for too long in the kitchen would certainly put a strain on her legs.

"Oh my, you are worried about me Ayanokoji-kun? Fufu. Despite you used to believe that you are emotionless, you are actually quite a gentleman, you know?" With a genuine smile, she spoke.

"It seems I have disturbed your alone time. Well then."

Sakayangi began to excuse herself and I stood up as well.

I approached her and took the grocery bags from her hands.


"I am going back to the dorms as well."

"I see. Well, thank you."

The two of us continued to walk leisurely towards the dorm while I enjoyed the sound of her cane gently tapping the ground below. It felt like a pleasant melody for some reason.

We boarded the elevators.

Since it was already nighttime, there weren't many students as expected. So we were the only ones in the elevator.

"You were amazing in the hurdle race, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Thank you." That was the only reply that I could think of.

"I never thought I would get to see you show your abilities so openly after the sports festival back during our first year."

"Well, this is the final special exam so of course, I would give my best."

She laughed lightly as if she knew that it was just a front.

"Fufu. I know the reason why you decided to get the first position. But what do you think will happen?"

"We will know that shortly, right?"

"Yes. I can't wait to see what would happen." She seemed genuinely happy.



"What did your father and 'that man' talked about?"

I was asking about the day the team triathlon happened. I had noticed 'that man' and Chairman Sakayanagi having a talk. Sakayanagi should have noticed as well.

"I don't know anything about it. Well, it is better to leave those matters to the adults, right?" She turned towards me, "We should be more focused on our next exam."

I couldn't tell whether she was lying or she really didn't know about what the two of them had talked about. But she didn't seem like wanting to continue that topic further.


"Aren't you worried?"

"About what?"

The two of us continued to stare at each other.

Both she and I knew what she was talking about.

I had already received her signal that she is up to something during the team triathlon event. And it was not just her, Ryuen was also on the move.

While we continued staring at each other, the elevator stopped on my floor.

She should be fine carrying these from here.

I handed her the bags and got off the elevator.

"Well then, good night, Ayanokoji-kun."

"Good night."

The elevator door closed slowly and I could see that she was smiling through the small gap between the door.

I had wanted the final special exam to be a bit peaceful for me. That was why I had already fulfilled the wishes of both Ryuen and Sakayangi of fighting me during the previous exams.

I should have known that they wouldn't be satisfied with just that.


I exhaled a long sigh.

It seems like I won't be able to rest easy.

Classroom of the Elite Final Year Volume 11Where stories live. Discover now