Part 2

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The library was quiet but the number of students had increased tremendously. Whenever I used to come before, there would be, at most, 10 to 20 students but now there were at least over 50.

I slowly made my way through the mass and entered the section of the library that I wanted to. I slowly pulled out a book from the shelf. The Women in White by Wilkie Collins. It was a popular mystery novel that I had wanted to read.

"Ah, hello there, Ayanokoji-kun."

A silver bell-like voice called out to me and I turned to see Shina Hiyori from Class C looking at me beamingly.

"Hello. You are here to get books as well?"

She inched closer and started putting the books she had been carrying with her on the shelf, carefully and gracefully.

"I had actually come to return these books but I may as well pick a new one."

She then started looking at the books, scrutinizing her eyes. She picked up a book. In cold blood by Truman Capote.

"Have you read this before?" She asked. "Yes, it's good. It-"

Placing forth her hand before me she spoke. "Okay, hold it right there. No spoilers." She looked serious as she said that. I understood that. I would hate it if someone spoiled a book I was about to read. It will suck out all the fun.

"I had no such intention."

"So, Ayanokoji-kun, want to sit with me and chat for a while?"

She said with eyes full of expectation that I couldn't bring myself to say no to.


"Yay!" She grabbed my arms and pulled me along with her, leading me to a corner of the library. Since there weren't many seats available, I had to sit beside her.

"They are all studying hard, aren't they?"

Watching over the students who were busy studying, she spoke. The second half of the final special exam had been announced just two days ago. It required all the students to go through different exams and that was why they were all studying hard.

"Yes, they are. What about you?"

She also had to take the exam but she didn't look concerned in the slightest.

"I will have no problem clearing the exam and as for the rest I will leave it to Ryuen-san and the others."

She looked carefree as she said that. Although I asked her why she was taking it easy, she was showing no signs of asking me that. After all, I was also goofing around instead of studying. She seemed to believe that I will be fine no matter what.

"It might be sudden but Ayanokoji-kun, what will you do after you graduate?"

It really was sudden and I had never thought of what to do after I graduate. For me, the answer was obvious even before I enrolled here.

"I haven't given it any thought."

She looked a bit surprised by my answer.

"Really? You haven't thought of any goals or aims?"

I shook my head from left to right. "What about you? Do you have something in mind?"

She suddenly started flinching. Hmm? Did I ask something weird? Her cheeks were tinged the slightest bit red.

"I-I haven't told about this to anyone. Please don't tell to anyone else and please don't laugh as well, but I want to be a novelist."

Was it something that someone will laugh at? I saw no problem with that.

Classroom of the Elite Final Year Volume 11Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt