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Harry, are you okay?' Hermione asked, sounding concerned as they sat together in darkness on Hermione's bed. 'Is it about us returning to Hogwarts tomorrow?'

Harry shook his head. 'It's Halloween,' he muttered darkly.

'Oh! I'm so sorry! I forgot…'

'It's all right,' Harry waved it off with a shrug.

Hermione swallowed. 'Do you…do you want to go?'

'Go where?'

'Godric's Hollow,' she whispered, sitting down next to him and taking his hand.

'No,' Harry replied. 'Not until Riddle's gone for good. I owe them that before I can face them again.'

Hermione did not question; she did not try to suggest the contrary. That was one of the things he loved about her. She always knew when to push and when to stay silent. It was a skill that she developed in the years when it was just him and her against the world.

'I can't relax,' Harry murmured. 'Halloween's never been a good day for me.'

Hermione gave his hand a squeeze. 'We'll be okay,' she consoled with surprising conviction. 'We've got nothing to fear. The Death Eaters are the ones who should be pissing themselves this time around.'

Harry could not help but chuckle. 'How eloquent.'

'Like you wouldn't be just as crass,' Hermione said with a sniff.

Despite the best efforts of Hermione and her parents, Harry could not help but feel on edge the entire night. His hand never strayed too far from his wand. Even at dinner, he could not feel comfortable unless he had it on the table within reach of his right hand.

Nothing did happen that night, though, even if Harry had a difficult time sleeping with the constant feeling that something was about to happen. The next morning, Harry and Hermione apparated to Grimmauld Place to use Sirius's Floo to return to Hogwarts via the Three Broomsticks.

'It is good to see you, Potter, Miss Granger,' McGonagall called when they reached the gates to the grounds.

'It's good to see you, too, Professor,' Harry replied sincerely.

McGonagall escorted them up to the castle. When they entered the Great Hall, they found it nearly empty. Many of the students had not yet come down to breakfast. Dumbledore, though, was already sitting at the Head Table. He looked down at the arrivals with a looked that seemed a mix between disapproval and pity.

Harry and Hermione sat down and helped themselves to a tiny helping of breakfast – they had already eaten at Hermione's house. Slowly, the Hall began filling up as students began to enter. Ginny, Luna, and Susan arrived together about half an hour later. Ginny looked far healthier than she did the last time Harry saw her.

'The lovebirds aren't here yet?' Ginny asked jovially, sitting down and shovelling some bacon onto her plate.

Hermione giggled. 'Maybe they're here, but not here.'

'Looks like I've got a job to do,' Susan said, pointing to her Prefect badge. 'There's no excuse for laziness when there're broom closets to be cleared.'

'Or maybe don't,' Harry replied, smirking. 'If Neville loses the badge, then I'll be Prefect.'

Susan snorted. 'If you and Hermione are Prefect together, you won't last a week before you lose your badge when you're caught snogging in a broom cupboard.'

'Are you really going to turn us in, now?' Hermione said sweetly.

'It is my solemn duty,' Susan replied pompously. That led to laughs all around.

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