Their Finest Hour

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Potter, Granger, come with me.'

Harry and Hermione looked up from their dinner to see Snape standing over them, looking worried about something.


The two of them stood up and shrugged confusedly at Neville and Ginny before following Snape out of the Great Hall. Snape spoke not a word as they descended the staircase into the dungeons. Snape led them into his office before casting several privacy charms on the door.

'You have been keeping up with practicing your spellwork in between our lessons, I hope?' Snape asked tersely.

'We practice every day, sir,' Harry replied. It was not far from the truth.

Snape nodded approvingly. 'The Dark Lord is planning something Sunday. He has instructed me to pass the word of a possible dementor attack that morning against muggles to the Headmaster. I am under the impression, however, that he has more planned. He seems eager for a distraction to accomplish…something…'

Hermione looked pensive. 'This Sunday…' She gasped suddenly, her face rapidly paling. 'It's a Hogsmeade weekend! Do you reckon…?'

'I cannot put it past the Dark Lord to directly attack students to strike a blow against the Headmaster,' said Snape.

'Does Dumbledore know about this?'

Snape nodded again. 'He has been told of my suspicions.'

'And did he cancel the Hogsmeade trip?' Hermione demanded.

Snape shook his head. 'The Headmaster…refused. He believed that he should not cancel a Hogsmeade trip without ironclad evidence that an attack is going to happen. He, I believe, is trying to cover up the war and maintain a façade of normality, for the students, at least.'

Harry growled. 'So he's as bad as Fudge.'

'There is an…uncanny resemblance in their actions,' Snape conceded. 'I cannot force the Headmaster to change his mind, as misguided and foolish as his actions are.'

'He's using the students as bait!' Hermione shrieked.

'That is…one possible motivation,' Snape said pensively. 'The Headmaster is known for making…sacrifices…that he and only he feels necessary for his plans.'

Snape sighed. 'I can only ask that you do your best to protect the students, Potter, Granger. It will take time for the teachers to respond to any attack. The two of you are now more skilled in offensive magic than perhaps any other in the student body. I ask you to put those skills to use.'

Harry nodded grimly, Snape's compliment lost in the gravity of what could unfold Sunday morning. 'We will do our best, sir. If the Headmaster neglects his duty and endangers the students entrusted to him, then…it's our duty to protect them.'

Snape was silent for a long minute. 'You are your mother's son, Potter,' he whispered finally.

Harry nodded, unsure of what to say. Thankfully, Hermione changed the topic in time.

'What about the Aurors, Professor?' she asked. 'We can ask Amelia Bones to dispatch a few to Hogsmeade on Sunday to reinforce the school.'

'That would be…prudent,' Snape said slowly. 'However, the Headmaster has all the Floos monitored. Unless you have a private means of communication, I do not think it is wise to risk openly contradicting the Headmaster. He has the power to make your lives more difficult, as you have no doubt found out already.'

'We do, Professor,' Hermione said, smiling a little. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her enchanted mirror. She looked into it and said firmly, 'Amelia Bones'.

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