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Voldemort's corpse lay in a disused storeroom to the side of the Great Hall. His wand lay snapped next to him. The sooner that ugly and despicable sight was removed from the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, where the bodies of the brave defenders lay in eternal rest, the better. It was time to move on. Time to build a world anew. Time to bring down the old walls of division, prejudice, and bigotry that had ripped apart the wizarding world.

And spectacular news was coming in from all corners of Britain. The innocent muggle-borns, so-called 'blood traitors', and half-bloods were being released from Azkaban. The Imperiused were coming to their senses and turning themselves in for treatment at St. Mungo's. Death Eaters, their allies, and those who had willingly facilitated the regime and its attempted genocide were being rounded up and put on trial.

Kingsley Shacklebolt had been named the Minister for Magic. Minerva McGonagall the Headmistress of Hogwarts.

There was talk of awarding the 'Heroes of Hogwarts' – Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, and Fred Weasley, among many, many others – Orders of Merlin in recognition of their bravery and selflessness. There was talk of promoting unity between families, Houses, and people of different blood statuses so that such bloodshed could never happen again.

A new dawn awaited Britain.

Society, unfortunately, often waited to change until it was forced to change by dramatic events. And now, rising out of the bloodshed, was the promise of a new, more egalitarian, and fairer country.

And Harry Potter sat in the Great Hall, one arm around Ron Weasley, one arm around Hermione Granger, looking into the new dawn. Thinking about their futures that they could have together.

But his scar still prickled.

Severus Snape had died alone that night, taking his memories of Lily with him to the grave.

And the Death Eaters' marks still burned black.


In the dead of night on that year's Summer Solstice, in the centre of a stone monument in Wiltshire, England, a cauldron stood.

Around the cauldron stood two masked, hooded men, chanting and dropping odd items into the brew.

And the cauldron flared and shattered.

A bone-white, snake-like figure rose out of the fire. His eyes were red and slit-like.

The two men wrapped the figure in long robes and handed him a wand. A new wand, tailor-made for the figure in a foreign land. A new wand imbued in Dark Magic, promising even greater power than his last.

Lord Voldemort had risen again.

Harry Potter's scar burned as he witnessed the second regeneration of his nemesis.

The Order of the Phoenix was recalled the very next day and the Ministry of Magic was alerted. That night, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger apparated to Hogwarts and reclaimed the Elder Wand. They needed to keep it from Voldemort, and would no doubt need it again when the fighting inevitably recommenced.

The Ministry and the Order hoped that this time, after being alerted to the resurgent danger immediately, they would have time and surprise on their side as they coordinated their response against the Dark Lord. Voldemort may be dangerous on his own, but he was far more dangerous if his most loyal supporters – those now held in Azkaban – were on his side. Actions were taken to prevent the second sacking of the prison in a decade.

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