Return to Reality

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Daphne was sitting under a tree, a book in her lap, watching her little sister chasing butterflies in front of her. She would be leaving for Hogwarts in a month for her first year. It was astonishing how fast she had grown.

'You clearly weren't born to be a Seeker, Storie,' she teased as her sister missed the butterfly with her net for the fifth time in a row.

'I'd rather be a Chaser,' Astoria protested.

'That also requires good aim. How else are you going to get the Quaffle through the hoops?'

'Magic,' Astoria replied naively.

The summer had been too peaceful, Daphne thought. What with Voldemort's return and everything, she had expected a more tumultuous July. But even now, in the first week of August, there was still nothing. She had written Susan, asking if she knew anything. She had replied in the negative, saying that her aunt was very tight-lipped about her work. Harry and Hermione had very little information themselves. They were in France, hiding from Voldemort and Dumbledore both. She imagined them sunbathing on the beaches of the Mediterranean and could not help but feel a little jealous.

'Which House is the best?' Astoria asked for the hundredth time that summer.

'They're all good,' Daphne gave the answer she had always given. 'Nobody will judge you based on where you go.'

'But you're in Slytherin,' she said. 'I want to be with you and all your friends!'

'All of my friends are in other Houses besides Slytherin,' Daphne replied. 'If you want to make friends, Slytherin might not be the best place to go.'

Astoria's eyes widened. 'Really?'

'Really. Susan's a Hufflepuff, Luna's a Ravenclaw, Ginny, Neville, and of course, Harry and Hermione are all Gryffindors.'

'Ooh! You're friends with Harry Potter?'

Daphne rolled her eyes at Astoria's obvious excitement. 'Yes, Storie. I am. But he really doesn't like that kind of attention.'

Astoria's eyes grew dreamy. 'I wish I could marry him…'

'You might be a little late to that party, Storie,' Daphne chortled. 'He's already…dating…someone.'


'Yeah, and I've never seen two people more attached to each other. It's almost like they're married.'

Which they are, she added in her head.

Astoria looked defeated. 'Oh.'

'Well, there're other excellent blokes – or girls, if you're interested in that – at Hogwarts,' Daphne said with a giggle. 'You don't necessarily have to have Harry.'

'I still want to meet him, though,' Astoria pouted.

'You will,' Daphne promised, 'You'll see him around. He'll probably think of you as his little sister, too. He's nice like that.'

Astoria positively beamed at that thought of having Harry as her 'big brother'.

Daphne laughed. 'You can meet them when school starts. I'm sure Harry and everyone else will love – '

She was interrupted by a loud wailing sound that rent through the calm summer air. 'The alert wards! Someone's trying to break in.'

Astoria was looking positively frightened. 'What do we do?'

'Astoria, get inside,' Daphne ordered, drawing her wand. 'Mum is home. Have her call Amelia Bones.'

'What about you?'

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