The Storm Begins

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Harry woke up early on the morning of the Third Task, feeling queasy. He did not much want to get out of bed, and indeed spent much of the early morning taking his mind off what was going to happen that evening by making love with Hermione. Eventually, though, she had to go to breakfast. She still had exams that she had to sit, even if she knew all the content.

'I'm sorry I can't be with you,' she whispered as they headed down, 'I wish I could just skive off exams…'

Harry snorted. 'You, skiving off exams?'

Hermione glared at him playfully. 'It's not like I don't know what's on the exam already.'

As they sat down opposite Neville and Ginny, Harry remembered the horrible article that had come out that morning in the 'old timeline'. He was more glad than ever that they had managed to subdue Rita Skeeter right after the First Task.

Sirius sent a short letter by owl that morning, wishing Harry good luck in the Third Task and 'whatever came after', reassuring him that his plan was sound. Harry wished that he could come tonight, but he, Sirius, and Hermione all agreed that Sirius being at Hogwarts would not do Harry any good. Dumbledore would most likely jump at the chance to bend Sirius to his will somehow.

'Sorry, I have to go,' Hermione said as she noticed Professor McGonagall approaching. She pecked Harry on the lips. 'I'll see you later.'

Harry nodded and smiled wistfully as she strode away. McGonagall tapped him on the shoulder, getting his attention.

'Potter, the Champions are due in the chamber off the Great Hall after breakfast. The Champions' families are invited to watch the final task. You'll have a chance to greet them.'

Harry nodded, knowing that the Weasleys would be there. He finished his breakfast, nodded to Ginny and Neville, and walked towards the side chamber.

He entered and saw that Cedric was already standing in the middle chamber, chatting with his father. Viktor was speaking to his parents in barely audible Bulgarian. Fleur had her little sister in his arms, her attention split between talking with her mother and father and casting furtive glances at a corner of the room.

Harry followed Fleur's eyes. There, standing in the corner, was Bill and Mrs Weasley. Mrs Weasley beamed upon seeing Harry and enveloped him in a tight embrace.

'Surprise!' she cried happily. 'I thought we should come and watch you, give you some support! The Third Task, Harry, and you're in first place!'

'Thanks,' Harry replied gratefully, 'That's really kind of you…'

'Oh but of course, Harry,' Bill Weasley said good-naturedly. 'We haven't met. I'm Bill. Came back from Egypt just to see this. Charlie wanted to come, too, but he had to stay in Romania. He said you were amazing against the Horntail, Harry.'

Harry gave a small smile. He shook Bill's hand in greeting. As he was about to let go, the eldest Weasley brother suddenly tugged him close.

'We all know what happened with the potions,' he whispered, 'Mum and Dad, Charlie, the twins. Ginny wrote to us and told us. She said we needed to keep it a secret, so we did, but Ron's going to be in deep dragonshite when he comes home in the summer.'

'Arthur was livid when he found out,' Mrs Weasley supplied, 'I've never seen him explode like that. He said if it got out to the Wizengamot, Ron could find himself in Azkaban for decades. It's a real serious crime to use a potion like that on someone without consent and with malicious intent, you know. Almost as bad as the Imperius. It could get even worse for him, since you're supposed to be the Head of the Potter family and all. Thank you for not pressing charges, Harry.'

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