Unexpected Allies

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'I cannot believe that…that barmy old codger!' Harry hissed as he stabbed a tomato with extreme venom the next morning.

'I know,' Hermione murmured back, 'He's lost his mind. But I'd appreciate it if you didn't get tomato juices all over my clothes.'

'Sorry,' Harry muttered guiltily. 'I still can't believe that he all excused rape and let it go unpunished! All for the sake of preserving his "greater good"! And you wonder where Draco learned that he could get away with anything.'

Hermione sighed. 'It'll just be another black mark against Dumbledore.'

Harry turned to her, confused. 'What do you mean?'

'You don't think that we're just going to let him get away with all that he's done, do you?' she replied with raised eyebrows, 'When this is all over, Dumbledore's going to get his comeuppance. We'll go to Amelia, give her memories of today, or our first year, or bloody hell, any of our years here. He'll get in trouble for possibly facilitating rape, definitely child endangerment, or…keeping you with that horrible "family" of yours.'

'How could you get Dumbledore for keeping me at the Dursleys? As much as I hated that place, he had a reason, didn't he?'

'But he never bothered to check on you, even when all evidence pointed to you being…mistreated there,' Hermione pointed out, squeezing his hand, 'And I'm beginning to think the "blood-based enchantments" explanation has always been bollocks.'

'What do you mean? You don't think they exist?'

Hermione nibbled her lower lip. 'I don't think they exist anymore. Not since you became magically of-age the week we came back. But I think Dumbledore forcing you back there after your original fourth year was beyond pointless.'

Harry did not understand what she was saying, so he waited for her to continue her explanation.

'Riddle took your blood, didn't he?' she expounded. 'That means the same blood of your "family", if you can call them that, runs through Riddle. If he could touch you after his resurrection, then don't you think there's a good chance that he could get through whatever blood wards there were at your relations'?'

Harry nodded. 'I see the point…'

'I can't be sure how right I am,' Hermione admitted. 'I'm not an expert on how static magic works. Maybe it's based on intention of harm, not just blood. I don't know. But it doesn't matter anymore. The wards have fallen. I'm sure of it. I'm sure Dumbledore knows it, too. If he forces you back to your relatives this summer, then we'll know he's planning something that doesn't have your best interest at heart.'

A horrible thought flitted across Harry's mind. 'Do you…do you think Dumbledore is purposefully keeping me at the Dursleys to…to suit some hidden agenda of his?'

Hermione sighed. 'I don't just think it's possible; I think it's more than likely. I don't know what kind of hidden agenda, and I'm honestly afraid to find out. But I'll bet you that he has one.'

'I'm sure he's going to force me back to the Dursleys this summer to suit that agenda of his, then,' Harry said dejectedly.

'He's not going to force you into anything!' Hermione hissed. 'You're magically of-age, Harry. His word means nothing to you. And it's not like you have nowhere to go. You can stay with Sirius. Or Remus. Or you can even come home with me.'

Harry perked up at the last suggestion. 'With you? Would your parents…?'

Hermione laughed. 'My parents love you. Even my dad, and he doesn't love many boys your…physical age. I'm sure they're going to be more than happy to have you around. If you want to, of course.'

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