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Neither Harry nor Hermione could sleep Tuesday night, so they decided to get up before dawn rather than lying in bed waiting fruitlessly for sleep to come. Hermione whipped up a batch of Invigoration Draught while Harry made a few cups of espresso to get them through the day.

The Room of Requirement really was quite a convenient place to live. They had only spent two nights in the Gryffindor Dormitory since their 'return', and that was only to show that they were still alive.

They waited eagerly for ten o'clock, when the Aurors would be collecting them in the Entrance Hall. Both were quite glad that Dumbledore had made no further efforts to impede the questioning or their presence since Monday.

At breakfast, an official-looking owl landed in front of Harry and Hermione, carrying a letter that bore the official seal of Gringotts.

Dear Lord and Lady Potter,

I have received word from our Guards and Curse-Breakers that the Dark Artefact that you had brought to my attention at our last meeting has been thoroughly cleansed of its malign influence. I would like to request a meeting this coming weekend so we may discuss the appropriation of the confiscated assets, as well as to discuss in proper detail your family finances.

Please send a time at which you will be available by return owl.

As always, please keep the contents of this letter confidential between me and yourselves.



Chief Goblin of Gringotts

'This weekend…it's a Hogsmeade weekend! We can just go into Hogsmeade on Saturday and leave from there!' Hermione conspired in a low whisper. 'And now that we've gotten our Trace removed, we can apparate freely without needing Dobby's help.'

'We'll need a cover story, though. An alibi,' Harry pointed out, 'We can't have anyone knowing that we weren't in Hogsmeade.'

Hermione nibbled her lower lip. 'We'll ask Ginny, Neville, and Luna to cover up for us the next time we see them. They know the truth now – part of it, anyway – I think they'll agree to help us out.'

Harry nodded. 'We can worry about that later. Let's get Sirius freed first and then we can think about Gringotts. Actually, we could also ask Sirius to give us some help making sense of it all. He's a pure-blood. He'll know this kind of stuff better than us or even Neville. Even if he's a bit of a…man-child.'

Hermione laughed. 'Do you think we should ask Sirius to be there on Saturday? He's your bonded godfather, after all. And your parents' best friend.'

'Yeah, that's a good idea,' Harry agreed at once. 'I'll write to Ragnok and ask him if he could meet us Saturday morning at ten and if Sirius could meet us there.'

Harry dug out his quill and scribbled a reply. Before they knew it, it was already half-past-nine. They retreated to the Room of Requirement and pulled on some formal robes that they had purchased during their last visit to Diagon Alley before heading down to the Entrance Hall to meet the Aurors.

When they arrived, they were greeted with a very familiar sight. There were two people wearing red Auror robes standing just inside the main gates. One was a tall, powerful-looking man with dark skin, and the other was a young woman with pink hair.

Harry and Hermione exchanged an elated look. 'Kingsley and Tonks!' Hermione mouthed to Harry.

'Ah, you must be Mister Potter and Miss Granger,' Kingsley said in his low, slow voice, holding out his hand. 'I am Senior Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, and this woman right here is Auror Nymphadora "Just-Call-Me-Tonks" Tonks.'

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