Looking Forward

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Harry was lying in a bed in the Room of Requirement. His wife of nearly two years (in her fifteen-year-old body – Harry was going to have to get used to wrapping his head around that) was lying in his arms.

He could not recall the last time they had made love so passionately. It had to have been months before their wedding, when there was still hope in the world. But now that they were alive and together – not to mention mostly safe and sound – there was nothing stopping them from regaining their old passion.

'It's so good to be here,' Harry remarked for the umpteenth time since they had been mysteriously sent back in time less than twenty-four hours ago. 'With you.'

'It's almost unbelievable that we're both still here,' Hermione said quietly. 'Not that I'm complaining, but how exactly did we get here?'

'I have an idea. But it's pure speculation.'

Hermione chuckled. 'Speculate away, then.'

'It had something to do with the Deathly Hallows.'

Even from his position spooned behind Hermione, he could see that her eyebrows had shot up into her hairline.

'The Deathly Hallows? But I though those were just powerful magical objects and they…they weren't supposed to actually…you know…allow someone to control death.'

'I don't think we exactly controlled or reversed death,' Harry thought out loud, 'I don't think either of us…died yet when it happened.'

At that, Hermione burst into tears.

'Are you okay?' Harry asked gently.

'No! I'm not!' she said through sobs, 'I keep seeing your…your body…cut open and bleeding out! It was so horrible!'

Harry nuzzled her neck soothingly. 'I know how you feel. I dreamed about it last night. But we're here…we're here…we're together.'

Hermione nodded and took several deep breaths, controlling her tears. 'Sorry. Go on.'

'Don't be sorry. It's natural,' Harry assured her. 'Are you sure you want to hear more?'

'I do,' Hermione replied firmly.

'So, um…did you…did you feel anything after…you know…you lost consciousness?'

Hermione thought for a moment, trying to remember. 'I felt like I was being squeezed through a tube. A bit like apparition, but not as bad. And then I saw a light and…then I appeared in the Common Room.'

Harry nodded. 'It was like that for me, too.'

'But how? How did we feel anything after we died?'

'I don't think we actually died. You stopped breathing, but – '

'The human brain can survive for several minutes without blood flow,' Hermione recited textbook-style. 'And I suppose so can the magical soul.'

Harry chuckled. 'The daughter of two dentists.'

She gasped suddenly. 'My mum and dad! They're still alive! Oh my god!'

'We'll find a way for you to see them as soon as possible,' Harry promised, squeezing her.

Hermione shuddered but nodded, prompting Harry silently to continue.

'We already had two of the Hallows on us, right? The Elder Wand and my Cloak. I felt them heating up just before I thought I died. And also, well…I'm not sure, but some part of me knew that I somehow had the Stone, too.'

'Because you're the Master of Death,' Hermione gasped.


She flipped over to face him. Harry was rewarded with a face full of her 'assets', but he forced himself to stop staring at her chest as she spoke.

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