Pyrrhic Victory

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'Confringo!' Harry cast, pointing his wand at a group of Death Eaters retreating into one of the alleyways. How dare those bastards run away now? Did they think they could get away with murdering innocent students and make away alive? Harry would make sure that they did not.

The Blasting Curse ricocheted off one wall of the alley and exploded directly over the three Death Eaters' heads. Red mist flew everywhere. By the time it cleared, three bodies were lying on the ground, missing most of their heads.

Harry had no time to retch at the horrible sight. The Death Eaters were scattering, but the few that were left were still fighting. A green jet of light flew in Hermione's direction. Harry grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the way.

'We should rendezvous with the others,' she said, her face red with exertion. 'Clean up the stragglers.'

Harry nodded and the two of them made their way out of the alley and onto the High Street. They crept slowly along the buildings lining the sidewalks, keeping their heads down and watching out for any movement.

Hermione gave a yelp behind him. Harry wheeled around, his wand at the ready. Two Death Eaters had appeared out of one of the alleys and spotted them.

'Sectumsempra!' Hermione shouted, waving her wand wildly in their direction. Multiple gashes appeared on their torso, abdomen, and legs. Both men gave shouts of pain before collapsing to the ground, bleeding out.

'Go on,' Hermione breathed. 'And be careful.'

Harry crept onwards up the High Street, past bodies of Death Eaters and Hogwarts students both. He comforted himself in the knowledge that there were far more bodies and body parts of Death Eaters than there were of students. At least it had not been a total massacre.

Through the soot and dust, Harry saw two people begin to emerge. One seemed to be leaning on the other, and both were staggering a little.

'Harry, Hermione, is that you?' Neville called.

'Neville!' Hermione squealed happily. 'Are you okay? Is the town clear?'

'I'm fine,' Neville replied as he approached. Daphne was leaning on him, an arm around his shoulders and walking shakily. 'Daph isn't really, though. She got hit by a Cruciatus from Dolohov. We've taken out everyone, I think. Sirius Black, Professor Lupin, and three women that I don't know are clearing up.'

Harry let out a breath of relief as Hermione grasped his hand and squeezed tightly. Sirius and Remus were both safe, and it seemed like Tonks was fine, too.

'How was it for you?' Hermione asked concernedly.

A dark look came across Neville's face. 'We faced Bellatrix Lestrange.'

Hermione gasped and paled. Harry drew her into a protective embrace from behind. 'You fought Bellatrix?'

Daphne nodded. 'And Rodolphus, and Rabastan, and Dolohov.'

'All at once?'

'All at once. Neville was incredible.'

Neville shrugged shyly, blushing. 'Rodolphus was already a squib, and Dolohov was distracted. And Daph killed Rabastan.'

'That was just luck,' Daphne said with a small smile. 'Nev saved me more times than I could count.'

'We saved each other,' Neville muttered.

'Nonsense. Besides, you taunted Bellatrix,' Daphne said with a whistle. 'That takes guts.'

'What happened to Bellatrix?' Hermione asked, curious.

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